epa09535738 Afghan women shout slogans during a protest to demand that the Taliban government allow the reopening of girls schools and to provide ample employment opportunities, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 21 October 2021. The Taliban promised on 18 October 2021, that they would soon allow all girls to return to school, after not allowing them to access to education in secondary schools following their reopening a month ago. The ban on reopening schools for girls and young people has caused uncertainty among the Afghan people, with criticism from women's rights activists who fear returning to the dark era under the former Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001.  EPA/STRINGER


Dal lontano Afghanistan ci giungono notizie a dir poco incredibili e straordinarie, è una vera e propria rivoluzione nel mondo islamico di quel paese però, prima di addentrarci nelle nuove direttive e valutarle, per meglio comprendere la situazione nelle quali vivono attualmente le donne musulmane afghane necessita partire proprio dal loro modo di pensare nell’osservanza e rispetto delle leggi coraniche. Infatti prima di queste nuove direttive, in attesa di applicazione reale, non era  vietato “dare una donna come scambio per raggiungere un accordo o porre fine a una disputa”. Quindi un “bellissimo scambio” per sistemare una disputa a livello familiare o con qualche altra famiglia  del vicinato… o peggio per siglare un accordo, sì, un po’ come si fa tra i commercianti di vacche e cavalli… che con la “prestigiosa ed onorata  stretta di mano” si convalida l’accordo concluso. In definitiva nel matrimonio, secondo la rigida cultura islamica talebana, la donna viene definita come un autentico oggetto per sistemare tutte le questioni spinose… dimenticando, cosa gravissima ed inenarrabile, che la donna è un essere umano… dotata di cervello proprio, di elevata sensibilità d’animo, capace di avere dei sentimenti e soprattutto di amare, evidentemente devo pensare che per i fedeli mussulmani l’amore nella coppia non è un principio né un sentimento fondamentale per costruire una famiglia in assoluta libertà. Ed ecco che sorprendentemente il passo in avanti fatto oggi riveste una notevole speranza, speriamo solo non sia una pia illusione, perché questo cambia nei fatti il loro modo di vivere e se questo eccezionale cambio di pensiero si dovesse allargare a macchia d’olio in tutti i paesi islamici… allora  sarebbe una grandissima conquista della libertà delle donne… che andrebbe proprio nella direzione auspicata da tutti per un islam meno legato alla repressione delle donne e ai matrimoni con le bambine. C’è molta strada ancora da fare tuttavia, se vero, credo che questo possa essere un passo davvero importante come anche riconoscere i diritti delle vedove a gestire e decidere il proprio futuro mentre ad oggi si applicano le solite leggi obsolete ed incomprensibili, infatti… non si capisce perché mai una vedova non debba aver il diritto di rifarsi una vita se lo desidera ? Altro punto rilevante e il concetto delle eredità… pare che ora finalmente anche le vedove avranno diritto all’eredità mentre sino a… ieri… alle vedove spettava “un bel niente”. Già alla donna vedova nessun diritto, delle donne nessuna considerazione in merito alle decisioni matrimoniali e vivaddio accogliamo con gioia che finalmente i maschi musulmani inizino a capire che le donne non sono degli oggetti e vanno trattate con cura ed adeguata attenzione.. almeno spero lo si faccia in futuro e non voglio più leggere di esecuzioni capitali senza regolari processi o per una giusta condanna com’è già successo settimane addietro, se poi si elimina definitivamente la pena di morte sarà sicuramente un gran passo in avanti verso la civiltà. Il problema è sempre il solito, quanto conta la donna nella mentalità del maschio islamico che è lontanissimo dai nostri standard abituali di valutazione del genere ? Comunque sia questi nuovi decreti sono un buon viatico anche se… in verità vi confesso che nutro molti dubbi sulla loro reale esecuzione, in quanto in quel paese la mentalità tribale è onnipresente e radicata da un migliaio di anni e credo che nessuno vorrà accettare il cambiamento imposto con dei decreti… Penso sia solo fumo per gli occidentali in modo tale che riaprano i “cordoni del commercio” perché loro, nei fatti, in questo momento fanno la “cosiddetta fame”… e penso siano stati costretti ad inventarsi uno stratagemma per sbloccare la situazione di stallo che si è venuta a creare e sapendo che noi occidentali difendiamo a spada tratta le donne e  che la figura femminile per noi è come una sacra icona… ed è un “buon motivo di trattativa” per avere assistenza gratuita dal mondo occidentale. Io diffido di loro e vorrò vedere il cambiamento prima di dire che la rivoluzione nell’islam afghano c’è stata… Dopodiché si potrà aprire un nuovo corso, ma prima dovranno dimostralo… il cambiamento e… smentirci che non si tratti d’una farsa !   03122021 …by…


Talebani, vietato sposare una donna senza il suo consenso

Emanato un nuovo decreto, ‘le vedove hanno diritto all’eredità’

epa09535738 Afghan women shout slogans during a protest to demand that the Taliban government allow the reopening of girls schools and to provide ample employment opportunities, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 21 October 2021. The Taliban promised on 18 October 2021, that they would soon allow all girls to return to school, after not allowing them to access to education in secondary schools following their reopening a month ago. The ban on reopening schools for girls and young people has caused uncertainty among the Afghan people, with criticism from women's rights activists who fear returning to the dark era under the former Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001.  EPA/STRINGER



03 dicembre 2021


I talebani hanno emanato un nuovo decreto sui diritti delle donne afghane: il loro consenso sarà necessario per contrarre matrimonio, vietato “dare una donna come scambio per raggiungere un accordo o porre fine a una disputa”.

Il leader supremo, Maulvi Haibtullah, ha invitato religiosi e anziani delle tribù ad applicarlo. Tra le nuove direttive anche “il diritto delle vedove di sposarsi o determinare il proprio futuro”, il diritto all’eredità e a una quota fissa della proprietà di marito, figli, padre e parenti.
Coloro che hanno più di una moglie sono obbligati a riconoscere loro i diritti e mantenere la giustizia tra le mogli. (ANSA).





From afar Afghanistan we receive news that is nothing short of incredible and extraordinary, it is a real revolution in the Islamic world of that country, however, before going into the new directives and evaluating them, to better understand the situation in which Afghan Muslim women currently live, we need starting from their way of thinking in observing and respecting the Koranic laws. In fact, before these new directives, pending actual application, it was not forbidden to “give a woman as an exchange to reach an agreement or put an end to a dispute”. So a “beautiful exchange” to settle a dispute at the family level or with some other family in the neighborhood … or worse to sign an agreement, yes, a bit like it is done between cow and horse traders … that with the “prestigious and honored handshake” validates the concluded agreement. Ultimately in marriage, according to the rigid Islamic Taliban culture, the woman is defined as an authentic object to settle all the thorny issues … forgetting, a very serious and unspeakable thing, that the woman is a human being … with her own brain , of high sensitivity of mind, capable of having feelings and above all of loving, obviously I must think that for the Muslim faithful love in the couple is neither a principle nor a fundamental feeling for building a family in absolute freedom. And here, surprisingly, the step forward made today holds considerable hope, let’s just hope it is not a pious illusion, because this actually changes their way of life and if this exceptional change of thinking were to spread like wildfire in everyone. Islamic countries … then it would be a great conquest of women’s freedom … which would go precisely in the direction desired by all for an Islam less linked to the repression of women and marriages with girls. There is still a long way to go, however, if true, I believe that this can be a really important step as well as recognizing the rights of widows to manage and decide their future while today the usual obsolete and incomprehensible laws apply, in fact. .. it is not clear why a widow should not have the right to rebuild a life if she so desires? Another relevant point is the concept of inheritances … it seems that now finally even widows will have the right to inherit while until … yesterday … widows were entitled to “nothing”. Already the widowed woman has no rights, no consideration of women regarding marriage decisions and goodbye we welcome with joy that finally Muslim males begin to understand that women are not objects and must be treated with care and adequate attention .. at least I hope so face in the future and I no longer want to read about executions without regular trials or for a just sentence as happened weeks ago, if then the death penalty is permanently eliminated it will certainly be a great step towards civilization. The problem is always the same, how important is the woman in the mentality of the Islamic male who is very far from our usual standards of evaluation of the gender? However these new decrees are a good viaticum even if … in truth I confess that I have many doubts about their real execution, as in that country the tribal mentality has been omnipresent and rooted for a thousand years and I believe that no one will want to accept the change imposed with decrees … I think it is just smoke for Westerners in such a way that they reopen the “cordons of commerce” because they, in fact, are doing the “so-called hunger” right now … and I think they have been forced to invent a stratagem to unblock the stalemate that has arisen and knowing that we Westerners defend women with the sword and that the female figure for us is like a sacred icon … and it is a “good reason for negotiation ”For free assistance from the Western world. I distrust them and I will want to see the change before saying that the revolution in Afghan Islam has taken place … Then a new course can be opened, but first they will have to prove it … the change and … it is a farce! 03122021 … by …


Taliban forbidden to marry a woman without her consent

New decree issued, ‘widows have the right to inherit’

epa09535738 Afghan women shout slogans during a protest to demand that the Taliban government allow the reopening of girls schools and to provide ample employment opportunities, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 21 October 2021. The Taliban promised on 18 October 2021, that they would soon allow all girls to return to school, after not allowing them to access to education in secondary schools following their reopening a month ago. The ban on reopening schools for girls and young people has caused uncertainty among the Afghan people, with criticism from women's rights activists who fear returning to the dark era under the former Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001.  EPA/STRINGER


ANSAISLAMABAD editorial staff

03 December 2021


The Taliban have issued a new decree on the rights of Afghan women: their consent will be necessary to marry, forbidden “to give a woman as an exchange to reach an agreement or put an end to a dispute”.

The supreme leader, Maulvi Haibtullah, called on clerics and tribal elders to apply it. Among the new directives also “the law of widows to marry or determine one’s future “, the right to inheritance and a fixed share of the property of husband, children, father and relatives.

Those who have more than one wife are obliged to recognize their rights and maintain justice between wives. (HANDLE).





De l’Afghanistan lointain, nous recevons des nouvelles qui sont tout simplement incroyables et extraordinaires, c’est une véritable révolution dans le monde islamique de ce pays, cependant, avant d’entrer dans les nouvelles directives et de les évaluer, pour mieux comprendre la situation dans laquelle les femmes musulmanes afghanes vivent actuellement, il faut partir de leur façon de penser dans l’observation et le respect des lois coraniques. En effet, avant ces nouvelles directives, en attente d’application effective, il n’était pas interdit de « donner une femme en échange pour parvenir à un accord ou mettre fin à un différend ». Donc un ” bel échange ” pour régler un différend au niveau familial ou avec une autre famille du quartier… ou pire pour signer une convention, oui, un peu comme ça se fait entre marchands de vaches et de chevaux… qu’avec la « poignée de main prestigieuse et honorée » valide l’accord conclu. En fin de compte dans le mariage, selon la rigide culture islamique des talibans, la femme se définit comme un objet authentique pour régler toutes les questions épineuses… en oubliant, chose très grave et indicible, que la femme est un être humain… avec elle propre cerveau, d’une haute sensibilité d’esprit, capable d’avoir des sentiments et surtout d’aimer, je dois évidemment penser que pour le fidèle musulman l’amour dans le couple n’est ni un principe ni un sentiment fondamental pour fonder une famille en toute liberté. Et là, étonnamment, le pas en avant réalisé aujourd’hui recèle un espoir considérable, espérons seulement qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une pieuse illusion, car cela change effectivement leur mode de vie et si ce changement de mentalité exceptionnel venait à se répandre comme une traînée de poudre dans tous les pays islamiques. .. alors ce serait une grande conquête de la liberté des femmes… qui irait justement dans le sens souhaité par tous pour un islam moins lié à la répression des femmes et des mariages avec des filles. Il y a encore un long chemin à parcourir, cependant, si cela est vrai, je pense que cela peut être une étape vraiment importante ainsi que la reconnaissance des droits des veuves à gérer et à décider de leur avenir alors qu’aujourd’hui les lois habituelles obsolètes et incompréhensibles s’appliquent, en fait . . . on ne comprend pas pourquoi une veuve n’aurait pas le droit de reconstruire une vie si elle le désire ? Un autre point pertinent est la notion d’héritage… il semble que désormais, même les veuves auront enfin le droit d’hériter alors que jusqu’à… hier… les veuves n’avaient droit à ” rien “. Déjà la femme veuve n’a aucun droit, aucune considération des femmes concernant les décisions de mariage et au revoir nous accueillons avec joie qu’enfin les hommes musulmans commencent à comprendre que les femmes ne sont pas des objets et doivent être traitées avec soin et attention adéquate.. du moins je l’espère. face à l’avenir et je ne veux plus lire sur les exécutions sans procès réguliers ou pour une peine juste comme cela s’est produit il y a des semaines, si la peine de mort est alors définitivement éliminée, ce sera certainement un grand pas vers la civilisation. Le problème est toujours le même, quelle est l’importance de la femme dans la mentalité du mâle islamique qui est très loin de nos standards habituels d’évaluation du genre ? Cependant ces nouveaux décrets sont un bon viatique même si… en vérité j’avoue que j’ai beaucoup de doutes quant à leur exécution réelle, car dans ce pays la mentalité tribale est omniprésente et enracinée depuis mille ans et je crois que personne ne le fera vouloir accepter le changement imposé avec des décrets… Je pense que c’est juste de la fumée pour les Occidentaux de telle manière qu’ils rouvrent les “cordons du commerce” parce qu’ils, en fait, sont en train de faire la “soi-disant faim” en ce moment. .. et je pense qu’ils ont été obligés d’inventer un stratagème pour débloquer l’impasse qui s’est produite et sachant que nous, Occidentaux, défendons les femmes avec l’épée et que la figure féminine est pour nous comme une icône sacrée … et c’est un ” bonne raison de négocier ”Pour une aide gratuite du monde occidental. Je me méfie d’eux et je voudrai voir le changement avant de dire que la révolution dans l’islam afghan a eu lieu… Alors un nouveau cap pourra être ouvert, mais il faudra d’abord qu’ils le prouvent… le changement et… c’est une farce ! 03122021 … par …


Les talibans ont interdit d’épouser une femme sans son consentement

Nouveau décret publié, “les veuves ont le droit d’hériter”

epa09535738 Afghan women shout slogans during a protest to demand that the Taliban government allow the reopening of girls schools and to provide ample employment opportunities, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 21 October 2021. The Taliban promised on 18 October 2021, that they would soon allow all girls to return to school, after not allowing them to access to education in secondary schools following their reopening a month ago. The ban on reopening schools for girls and young people has caused uncertainty among the Afghan people, with criticism from women's rights activists who fear returning to the dark era under the former Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001.  EPA/STRINGER


La rédaction d’ANSAISLAMABAD

03 décembre 2021


Les talibans ont publié un nouveau décret sur les droits des femmes afghanes : leur consentement sera nécessaire pour se marier, interdit « de donner une femme en échange pour parvenir à un accord ou mettre fin à un différend ».

Le chef suprême, Maulvi Haibtullah, a appelé les religieux et les anciens des tribus à l’appliquer. Parmi les nouvelles directives également « la loi des veuves se marier ou déterminer son avenir », le droit à l’héritage et une part fixe des biens du mari, des enfants, du père et des proches.

Ceux qui ont plus d’une épouse sont obligés de reconnaître leurs droits et de maintenir la justice entre les épouses. (MANIPULER).

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