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epa09131056 Members of the Turkish Coast Guard take migrants, who were allegedly pushed back from the Greece side, on a boat during a patrol to search and rescue for migrants offshore the Ayvalik district in Balikesir, Turkey, 10 April 2021 (issued 12 April 2012). The Greek island of Lesbos hosts one of the hotspots, an initial reception centers for migrants in European Union. Turkish authorities told epa/Efe that in 2020 around 45 percent of migrants rescued in the Aegean Sea had been pushed back from Greek territory. Most common cases involve migrant vessels being stopped by a Greek patrol when entering Greek waters, but the Turkish coastguard says it has heard lots of migrants describing 'delayed pushback,' when people are returned to the sea days after they reached Lesbos. According to Turkish officials, in this case, a Greek patrol carries the detained migrants to the limit of Greek territorial waters before putting them in a life raft and alerting Ankara. Since the beginning of 2021, Turkey has rescued around 2,700 migrants in the Aegean Sea, and some 1,900 migrants from a pushback. The Norwegian NGO Aegean Boat Report claims, some 558 people have been abandoned on 35 life rafts at sea so far in 2021. Some such incidents have ended with fatalities, the organizations claimed. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET


Diciamolo subito…  la Turchia in fatto di immigrazione sa come affrontarla, gestirla e sa anche come “guadagnarci una montagna di soldi” a spese di noi idioti dell’Unione Europea. Già, una commissione europea che in fatto di politica immigratoria sino ad oggi non ha mai dimostrato di avere capacità gestionali né di soluzioni né idee al problema che oramai va avanti da oltre 13 anni in modo continuo e inarrestabile. Nella zona sud delle nostre coste europee arriva di tutto e tutti vengono accolti senza distinguo a spese degli stati che accolgono, dalla Spagna alla Grecia passando per la Francia e l’Italia, il flusso migratorio è costante e allarmante perché non ci sono solo i bimbi e poveri disgraziati  sui barconi che approdano sulle nostre coste ma ci sono anche, e soprattutto, tanti malviventi e gente che viene in Europa con tutt’altre buone e pacifiche intenzioni. Da quella gente noi non abbiamo nessuna difesa, i vari ministri degl’interni dei paesi citati non assumono una posizione chiara e linea comune sul come arginare e controllare i flussi perché stante questa situazione, gli arrivi non cesseranno mai, neanche nel 2100, e appare ridicola quanto patetica l’affermazione del nostro ministro Lamorgese, di questi giorni, che si vede preoccupata per l’elevato numero di migranti presenti nella città di Castel Volturno (CE)… assurdo ed incredibile che se ne sia accorta solo ora quando già dal lontano 2016 denunciavo l’allarmante numero di extracomunitari “nullafacenti” presenti sul territorio, elementi che anziché svolgere un’attività lavorativa legale arricchiscono le file della Camorra. Bene, è allarmata, e allora imitasse il collega turco e iniziasse ad arrestare tutti i criminali legati all’immigrazione clandestina e spezzasse la catena degli arrivi illegali, perché il business dell’immigrazione clandestina è noto a tutti tranne che ai governi europei… loro fingono di non notarlo ma nei fatti tutti hanno lo stesso problema di flussi migratori incontrollati. Cosa ci dicono l’arresto in Turchia di 230  migranti che in teoria avrebbero diritto di asilo politico in quanto i loro paesi di provenienza, escluso il Pakistan, sono tutti in guerra  ? E anche questo è un problema di non poco conto, perché tra tutte le guerre che ci sono ogni giorno nel mondo possiamo concedere lo status di asilo politico o di rifugiati a 2 o 300 milioni di persone che fuggendo vogliono vivere in Europa ? E perché, me lo chiedo ripetutamente, non si spostano nei paesi islamici del golfo Persico, certamente più ricchi dell’Europa, e con più possibilità lavorative e potendo ricevere un’accoglienza perfetta in tutti i sensi, dall’assistenza alimentare sino a quella sanitaria senza nessun problema tra sessi diversi come invece accade in occidente ? Quindi i flussi migratori mi sembrano più che programmati e gestiti secondo una strategia ben precisa ed in questo io ci vedo sempre un’invasione finalizzata ad islamizzare l’Europa… se così non fosse, non capisco perché vengono in Europa a vivere ai margini delle città nelle bidonville e non nei ricchi scenari di Dubai e dell’Arabia Saudita. Un mussulmano che scappa dalla guerra va in un paese islamico e non in quello degli infedeli… la logica porta a questo ragionamento ma che nei fatti non rappresenta la realtà quindi non posso biasimare chi afferma che ci stanno invadendo  per islamizzarci… e vedendo la Svezia e la Gran Bretagna non sembrano ipotesi remote. A quanto pare la Turchia, che si professa islamica, non sembra gradire tanto gli immigrati di identica fede coranica e chissà perché ? E’ curiosa la questione, il Papa si spende per i migranti mussulmani e i fratelli di fede islamica di tutta l’asia e l’Africa se ne fregano… è strano il mondo come gira, è proprio difficile e complicato capire perché i governi europei sono assenti nell’affrontare, e definire, una volta per sempre l’argomento immigrazione clandestina.  28072021  https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/     https://vk.com/id52922915

Migranti: 230 arrestati in Turchia pronti a traversata Egeo

Fermati anche due scafisti, promettevano arrivo in Italia


28 luglio 2021

(ANSA) – ISTANBUL, 28 LUG – La guardia costiera turca ha arrestato oltre 200 migranti, tra cui afghani e siriani, che si apprestavano ad attraversare il mare Egeo a bordo di un peschereccio per raggiungere la Grecia. Lo riferiscono media locali. E’ il più massiccio gruppo di migranti clandestini arrestati dalle autorità quest’anno, fatto che riflette un aumento nel numero di persone che cercano rifugio in Europa dopo un periodo di tregua rispetto agli sbarchi dovuto alla pandemia da Covid.
I 231 migranti, originari di Afghanistan, Siria, Iran, Eritrea, Yemen e Pakistan, sono stati arrestati al largo del villaggio di Ayvacik, nei pressi dell’isola greca di Lesbos, stando all’agenzia Dha. Sono stati arrestati anche due presunti scafisti, cui ciascun migrante pagava fra i 5000 e i 6000 euro con la promessa di farsi portare in Italia. (ANSA).




Let’s face it right away … in terms of immigration Turkey knows how to deal with it, manage it and also know how to “earn a mountain of money” at the expense of us idiots of the European Union. Yes, a European commission that in terms of immigration policy up to now has never shown that it has management skills or solutions or ideas to the problem that has been going on for over 13 years in a continuous and unstoppable way. In the southern area of our European coasts, everything arrives and everyone is welcomed without distinction at the expense of the host states, from Spain to Greece passing through France and Italy, the migratory flow is constant and alarming because there are not only children and poor wretches on the boats that land on our shores but there are also, and above all, many criminals and people who come to Europe with quite different good and peaceful intentions. From those people we have no defense, the various ministers of the interiors of the countries mentioned do not take a clear position and common line on how to stem and control the flows because given this situation, the arrivals will never cease, not even in 2100, and it appears ridiculous as pathetic the statement of our minister Lamorgese, in recent days, who is worried about the high number of migrants present in the city of Castel Volturno (CE) … absurd and incredible that she has only noticed it now when already since 2016 I denounced the alarming number of non-EU immigrants present on the territory, elements that instead of carrying out a legal job enrich the ranks of the Camorra. Well, she is alarmed, and then she imitates her Turkish colleague and starts arresting all criminals linked to illegal immigration and breaks the chain of illegal arrivals, because the business of illegal immigration is known to everyone except European governments … they pretend not to notice it but in fact everyone has the same problem of uncontrolled migratory flows. What does the arrest in Turkey of 230 migrants who theoretically have the right to political asylum tell us because their countries of origin, excluding Pakistan, are all at war? And this is also a problem of no small importance, because among all the wars that occur every day in the world can we grant the status of political asylum or refugees to 2 or 300 million people who want to live in Europe by fleeing? And why, I ask myself repeatedly, do they not move to the Islamic countries of the Persian Gulf, certainly richer in Europe, and with more job opportunities and being able to receive a perfect welcome in all senses, from food assistance to health care. without any problems between different sexes as it happens in the West? So the migratory flows seem to me more than programmed and managed according to a very precise strategy and in this I always see an invasion aimed at Islamizing Europe … if this were not the case, I do not understand why they come to Europe to live on the margins cities in the slums and not in the rich scenery of Dubai and Saudi Arabia. A Muslim who escapes from war goes to an Islamic country and not to that of infidels … the logic leads to this reasoning but that in fact does not represent reality so I cannot blame those who say that they are invading us to Islamize us … and looking at Sweden and Great Britain they do not seem remote hypotheses. Apparently Turkey, which professes to be Islamic, does not seem to like immigrants of identical Koranic faith so much and who knows why? The question is curious, the Pope spends himself on Muslim migrants and brothers of Islamic faith from all over Asia and Africa do not care … it is strange how the world turns, it is really difficult and complicated to understand why governments Europeans are absent in addressing, and defining, once and for all the issue of illegal immigration. 28072021 https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/ https://vk.com/id52922915


Migrants: 230 arrested in Turkey ready to cross the Aegean

Two smugglers also stopped, promising to arrive in Italy

ANSAISTANBUL editorial staff

July 28, 2021

(ANSA) – ISTANBUL, 28 JUL – The Turkish coast guard has arrested over 200 migrants, including Afghans and Syrians, who were preparing to cross the Aegean sea aboard a fishing boat to reach Greece. Local media reports. It is the most massive group of illegal migrants arrested by the authorities this year, reflecting an increase in the number of people seeking refuge in Europe after a lull from landings due to the Covid pandemic.The 231 migrants, originally from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Eritrea, Yemen and Pakistan, were arrested off the village of Ayvacik, near the Greek island of Lesbos, according to the Dha agency. Two alleged smugglers were also arrested, to whom each migrant paid between 5 000 and 6000 euros with the promise to be brought to Italy. (HANDLE).




Avouons-le tout de suite… en matière d’immigration la Turquie sait y faire face, la gérer et savoir aussi comment “gagner une montagne d’argent” au détriment de nous idiots de l’Union européenne. Oui, une commission européenne qui en matière de politique d’immigration n’a jusqu’à présent jamais montré qu’elle avait des compétences de gestion ou des solutions ou des idées au problème qui dure depuis plus de 13 ans de manière continue et imparable. Dans la zone sud de nos côtes européennes, tout arrive et chacun est accueilli sans distinction aux dépens des Etats d’accueil, de l’Espagne à la Grèce en passant par la France et l’Italie, le flux migratoire est constant et alarmant car il n’y a pas que des enfants et des misérables sur les bateaux qui débarquent sur nos côtes mais il y a aussi et surtout beaucoup de criminels et de gens qui viennent en Europe avec des intentions bonnes et pacifiques bien différentes. De ces personnes nous n’avons aucune défense, les différents ministres de l’intérieur des pays cités ne prennent pas de position claire et de ligne commune sur la manière d’endiguer et de contrôler les flux car face à cette situation, les arrivées ne cesseront jamais, même pas en 2100 , et il paraît aussi ridicule que pathétique la déclaration de notre ministre Lamorgese, ces derniers jours, qui s’inquiète du nombre élevé de migrants présents dans la ville de Castel Volturno (CE)… absurde et incroyable qu’elle ne l’ait remarqué que maintenant alors que déjà depuis 2016 je dénonçais le nombre alarmant d’immigrés non-UE présents sur le territoire, éléments qui au lieu d’exercer un travail légal enrichissent les rangs de la Camorra. Eh bien, elle s’alarme, puis elle imite son collègue turc et commence à arrêter tous les criminels liés à l’immigration illégale et brise la chaîne des arrivées illégales, car le business de l’immigration illégale est connu de tout le monde sauf des gouvernements européens… ils font semblant de ne pas remarquez-le mais en fait tout le monde a le même problème de flux migratoires incontrôlés. Que nous dit l’arrestation en Turquie de 230 migrants qui ont théoriquement le droit d’asile politique car leurs pays d’origine, hors Pakistan, sont tous en guerre ? Et c’est aussi un problème non négligeable, car parmi toutes les guerres qui surviennent chaque jour dans le monde peut-on accorder le statut d’asile politique ou de réfugiés à 2 ou 300 millions de personnes qui veulent vivre en Europe en fuyant ? Et pourquoi, je me demande à plusieurs reprises, ne se déplacent-ils pas vers les pays islamiques du golfe Persique, certainement plus riches en Europe, et avec plus d’opportunités d’emploi et pouvant recevoir un accueil parfait dans tous les sens, de l’aide alimentaire aux soins de santé. sans problèmes entre les sexes différents comme cela se passe en Occident ? Alors les flux migratoires me semblent plus que planifiés et gérés selon une stratégie bien précise et en cela je vois toujours une invasion visant à islamiser l’Europe… si ce n’était pas le cas, je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils viennent en Europe pour vivent en marge des villes dans les bidonvilles et non dans les riches paysages de Dubaï et de l’Arabie saoudite. Un musulman qui échappe à la guerre va dans un pays islamique et non dans celui des infidèles… la logique conduit à ce raisonnement mais qui en fait ne représente pas la réalité donc je ne peux pas reprocher à ceux qui disent qu’ils nous envahissent de nous islamiser. .. et en regardant la Suède et la Grande-Bretagne, cela ne semble pas être des hypothèses lointaines. Apparemment, la Turquie, qui se déclare islamique, ne semble pas tellement aimer les immigrés de même foi coranique et qui sait pourquoi ? La question est curieuse, le Pape se dépense pour les migrants musulmans et les frères de confession islamique de toute l’Asie et l’Afrique s’en foutent… c’est étrange comme le monde tourne, c’est vraiment difficile et compliqué de comprendre pourquoi les gouvernements européens sont absents pour traiter et définir une fois pour toutes la question de l’immigration illégale. 28072021 https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/ https://vk.com/id52922915


Migrants : 230 arrêtés en Turquie prêts à traverser la mer Égée

Deux passeurs se sont également arrêtés, promettant d’arriver en Italie

La rédaction d’ANSAISTANBUL

28 juillet 2021

(ANSA) – ISTANBUL, 28 JUIL – Les garde-côtes turcs ont arrêté plus de 200 migrants, dont des Afghans et des Syriens, qui s’apprêtaient à traverser la mer Égée à bord d’un bateau de pêche pour rejoindre la Grèce. Reportages des médias locaux. Il s’agit du groupe le plus massif de migrants illégaux arrêtés par les autorités cette année, reflétant une augmentation du nombre de personnes cherchant refuge en Europe après une accalmie des débarquements en raison de la pandémie de Covid.

Les 231 migrants, originaires d’Afghanistan, de Syrie, d’Iran, d’Érythrée, du Yémen et du Pakistan, ont été arrêtés au large du village d’Ayvacik, près de l’île grecque de Lesbos, selon l’agence Dha. Deux passeurs présumés ont également été arrêtés, à qui chaque migrant a payé entre 5 000 et 6000 euros avec la promesse d’être amenés en Italie. (MANIPULER).

ERAN 230 GIOVANI E FORTI E ORA… SONO IN GALERA !ultima modifica: 2021-07-28T23:01:59+02:00da
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