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epa09081303 Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki reacts prior he receives a report from lawyers on sexual abuse by Catholic priests and the role of clergy, who possibly sought to cover up the allegations in the Cologne Catholic Archdiocese in Cologne, Germany, 18 March 2021. Woelki commissioned the report in 2018 and has come under scathing criticism for blocking its release since March 2020. The report, prepared by Munich law firm Gercke and Wollschlaeger, has potentially hard-hitting implications for both Woelki, who has offered to resign should he be found implicated in having obstructed the investigations, as well as for the Catholic Church in Germany as a whole. In the Cologne Archdiocese approximately 200 Catholic clergy members are accused of having abused over 1,000 children. The Catholic Church in Germany is facing a crisis of public confidence as people nationwide are renouncing their membership in record numbers, with approximately 272,000 having left the Church in 2019 and similar or higher number expected since then. EPA/Andreas Rentz / POOL


È proprio così, ennesimo scandalo di natura sessuale e pedofila in ambito ecclesiastico è emerso ed esploso ieri clamorosamente come una bomba in Germania. È assurdo che si continuino ad assistere al ripetersi di questi sconvolgenti che ci riconducono a fatti di sesso con dei bambini, non è possibile… che nella casa di Cristo si debbano perpetrare scene demoniache come le violenze sessuali proprio su delle innocenti anime, indice di una volgarissima pedofilia nauseante senza nessun limite al ritegno e senza vergogna né rispetto per il futuro di quelle vittime inconsapevoli che vedranno la loro vita sempre offuscata dall’immagine di quegli uomini neri nel vero senso della parola. Evidentemente alcuni individui che si spacciano per sacerdoti hanno scambiato la casa di Cristo per una casa di tolleranza…  e questo va fuori da ogni logica e raziocinio. È un cosa inaccettabile e disgustosa sapere che dei volgari e putridi individui infanghino l’abito talare, la chiesa cristiana e offendano tutti i fedeli in modo perpetuo… già, questi episodi vomitevoli vanno avanti da troppi anni e sarebbe anche ora di metter fine a questo umiliante stillicidio e sollecito il pontefice perché prenda gli opportuni provvedimenti. A quei signori poco nobili dico : spogliatevi e vivete lontani anni luce dai luoghi sacri del cristianesimo e magari, se passate dal chirurgo per una piccola asportazione dei genitali fareste una cosa meravigliosa e un gran favore alla società. Figli di Satana che si vestono da preti per le loro sporche deviazioni mentali è la cosa più aberrante che si possa immaginare nei luoghi sacri del cristianesimo, traditi e violentati proprio da coloro ai quali si è riposto la massima fiducia… stuprati e rubata l’innocenza ed anche… la vita, persa anche la  serenità di un futuro oramai contaminato. Ho da chiedervi ignobili esseri demoniaci : siete contenti di aver rovinato la vita a centinaia di ragazzi ? 19032021… …by… https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/



Abusi nella diocesi di Colonia, terremoto nella Chiesa tedesca

Violenze e coperture, 314 vittime. Il cardinale Woelki, ‘mi vergogno’

Il cardinale Rainer Maria Woelki © ANSA/EPA


18 marzo 202118:14

E’ bufera nella Chiesa tedesca dopo la presentazione dell’indagine indipendente sulla gestione degli abusi sessuali nell’Arcidiocesi di Colonia, commissionata dall’arcivescovo, cardinale Rainer Maria Woelki, e illustrata in una conferenza stampa dagli esperti di diritto penale prof. Bjorn Gercke e Kerstin Stirner.





That’s right, yet another scandal of a sexual and pedophile nature in the ecclesiastical sphere emerged and exploded yesterday as a bomb in Germany. It is absurd that we continue to witness the repetition of these upsetting that lead us back to sex with children, it is not possible … that in the house of Christ demonic scenes such as sexual violence should be perpetrated on innocent souls, index of a very vulgar nauseating pedophilia without any limit to restraint and without shame or respect for the future of those unaware victims who will see their life always clouded by the image of those black men in the true sense of the word. Evidently some individuals who pretend to be priests have exchanged the house of Christ for a house of tolerance … and this goes beyond all logic and reasoning. It is an unacceptable and disgusting thing to know that vulgar and rotten individuals tarnish the cassock, the Christian church and offend all the faithful in a perpetual way … yes, these vomiting episodes have been going on for too many years and it would also be time to put an end to this humiliating trickle and I urge the pontiff to take the appropriate measures. To those not very noble gentlemen I say: undress and live light years away from the sacred places of Christianity and perhaps, if you go to the surgeon for a small removal of the genitals you would do a wonderful thing and a great favor to society. Sons of Satan who dress up as priests for their dirty mental deviations is the most aberrant thing that can be imagined in the sacred places of Christianity, betrayed and raped by those who have the utmost trust … raped and stolen there. innocence and also … life, also lost the serenity of a future now contaminated. I have to ask you ignoble demonic beings: are you happy to have ruined the lives of hundreds of children?

19032021 … … by … https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/



Abuses in the diocese of Cologne, earthquake in the German Church

Violence and cover-ups, 314 victims. Cardinal Woelki, ‘I am ashamed’

Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki © ANSA / EPA


March 18, 202118: 14

There is a storm in the German Church after the presentation of the independent investigation into the management of sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of Cologne, commissioned by the archbishop, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, and illustrated in a press conference by the criminal law experts prof. Bjorn Gercke and Kerstin Stirner.

I FIGLI DI SATANA ALL’OPERA !ultima modifica: 2021-03-19T19:41:56+01:00da
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