epa09597019 Debris left from crowds attending a Christmas parade lies scattered next to police crime scene tape after a SUV reportedly broke through a barricade and drove into  people including children leaving several people dead and many more injured in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA, 21 November 2021. The vehicle was recovered by police and a person of interest is in custody.  EPA/TANNEN MAURY


È davvero irritante quanto fastidioso confrontarsi con l’ipocrisia dell’informazione quando devono descrivere la dinamica di una strage forse premeditata, allora si cercano attenuanti per il criminale e scusanti per cercare di minimizzare l’attenzione dal vero problema. In questa ennesima strage di innocenti è chiaro che il conducente non era in cura dal qualche psichiatra, né era in terapia farmacologica, né incavolato con la suocera e quindi perché si è cercato nel suo recentissimo passato di detenuto un’eventuale motivazione alla furia omicida? E che diavolo c’entra l’uscita dal carcere di un paio di giorni fa con la follia di ammazzare degli innocenti mentre passeggiavano tranquillamente in un giorno di festa ? E ci risiamo… la dinamica della strage appare chiara ed inequivocabile, un veicolo spinto alla massima velocità tra i pedoni non ha giustificazione né tantomeno può essere confuso con la fuga dopo un banale accoltellamento, come raccontano, un fatto di sangue che è successo sicuramente lontano dalla zona dello scempio. Sono state chiare e premeditate  le intenzione del “conducente pazzo” che nel momento in cui è entrato nella zona riservata ai pedoni partecipanti alla parata, evidentemente,  si proponeva di abbattere più persone possibili e neanche la presenza di tanti bambini lo ha fatto desistere. Che si tratti di un attentato terroristico e fuor di dubbio e chi sostiene il contrario evidentemente lo fa per interessi politici e questo si aggancia al modo vergognoso di pilotare l’informazione e plasmare le notizie come quello di dirci che trattasi di un “rapper”… e che cavolo centra ?  L’unica domanda da porsi è sul perché il criminale abbia deliberatamente “asfaltato” tutte quegli innocenti… poteva arrestare il veicolo dopo la prima virata, eseguita per evitare un pedone però poi… ha centrato in pieno tanti altri… infatti dopo il “primo beccato in pieno”, come si vede nei video, invece di fermarsi ha continuato la sua folle corsa e perché ? Appare scontato a quel punto che volesse investirli e far più morti possibile… forse  per soddisfare la sua sete di sangue e terrore… istinti che per noi persone normali sono lontanissimi dai concetti del terrore e appaiono irrazionali.  E già, perché è proprio questo il punto di analisi, ovvero :  a chi e a che serviva questa strage di innocenti ? Perché seminare il terrore a quel modo ? Sicuramente le risposte  le avremo nelle prossime ore o giorni ma quel che più è insopportabile è il modo sempre equivoco di fare informazione cercando una sorta di giustificazione ogni volta che si è di fronte ad un massacro, un modo di fare davvero scandaloso come il malato mentale o sotto effetto di droga ed ora abbiamo anche il rapper… ma è da ridere. Uno che esce dal carcere appena due giorni fa, se non è contagiato dal qualche virus ideologico razziale, quale motivo avrebbe avuto per compiere una strage di questa portata ? Pare ovvio quanto scontato che abbia voluto seminare il terrore in una parata tra la gente che vi partecipava. Attendiamo gli sviluppi e indagini della polizia e poi riusciremo ad avere un’idea più chiara anche se ho già dei sospetti sul motivo della strage… ma attendo pazientemente prima di esprimermi palesemente in modo tale da non essere incauto nel formulare pareri. Nel frattempo che attendiamo, date un’occhiata ai media e al loro modo di informare noi occidentali, vedrete che pian piano la notizia da prima pagina passerà ad ultima e poi… entro un paio di giorni la notizia stessa sparirà dai Tg e nessuno più ne parlerà, né saranno dedicati talk show per analizzare ed argomentare su questo nuovo massacro, già… sarà come sempre, un’informazione gestita secondo il proprio interesse editoriale prezzolata e al servizio dei politici di Biden e dei suoi amici europei, oppure legati a qualche ideologia non identificata al momento tale da indurli ad essere sempre loro a dirci quel che “vogliono farci ascoltare”.  22112021 …by… https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/            https://vk.com/id529229155



Fermato per Waukesha sarebbe un rapper 39enne

Darrell Brooks Jr. sospettato di aver provocato la strage

epa09597019 Debris left from crowds attending a Christmas parade lies scattered next to police crime scene tape after a SUV reportedly broke through a barricade and drove into  people including children leaving several people dead and many more injured in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA, 21 November 2021. The vehicle was recovered by police and a person of interest is in custody.  EPA/TANNEN MAURY


Redazione ANSAROMA

22 novembre 2021

(ANSA) – ROMA, 22 NOV – L’uomo sospettato di aver compiuto la strage durante la parata natalizia a Waukesha, Wisconsin – con almeno 5 morti e 40 feriti tra cui diversi bambini – sarebbe il 39enne Darrell Brooks Jr.

Lo riferiscono diversi media Usa, anche se non c’è stata conferma ufficiale.

Il sospetto, affermano le fonti, è stato fermato a Milwaukee ed è un rapper che si fa chiamare MathBoi Fly. Era in possesso di una chiave di una Ford. L’attacco alla parata è stato compiuto con una Ford Escape rossa. (ANSA).






It is really irritating as it is annoying to deal with the hypocrisy of information when they have to describe the dynamics of a perhaps premeditated massacre, then they look for mitigations for the criminal and excuses to try to minimize the attention from the real problem. In this umpteenth massacre of innocents it is clear that the driver was not treated by some psychiatrist, nor was he on drug therapy, nor pissed off with his mother-in-law and therefore why was he looking for a possible motivation for the murderous rampage in his recent past as a prisoner? And what the hell does the release from prison a couple of days ago have to do with the madness of killing innocent people while they were walking quietly on a feast day? And here we go again … the dynamics of the massacre appear clear and unequivocal, a vehicle pushed at maximum speed between pedestrians has no justification nor can it be confused with an escape after a banal stabbing, as they say, a fact of blood that happened certainly far from the destruction area. The intentions of the “crazy driver” were clear and premeditated, who evidently intended to shoot down as many people as possible when he entered the area reserved for pedestrians participating in the parade, and not even the presence of so many children made him give up. Whether it is a terrorist attack and beyond doubt and those who claim the opposite obviously do it for political interests and this is linked to the shameful way of piloting information and shaping the news as to tell us that it is a “rapper”. .. and what the hell does it do? The only question to ask is why the criminal deliberately “paved” all those innocents … could he stop the vehicle after the first turn, performed to avoid a pedestrian but then … he hit many others in full … in fact, after the “first hit in full”, as you can see in the videos, instead of stopping he continued his mad rush and why? He appears to be taken for granted at that point that he wanted to run over them and make as many deaths as possible … perhaps to satisfy his thirst for blood and terror … instincts that for us normal people are very far from the concepts of terror and appear irrational. And yes, because this is precisely the point of analysis, that is: who and what was the use of this massacre of innocents? Why sow terror like that? We will certainly have the answers in the next few hours or days but what is most unbearable is the always equivocal way of providing information, looking for a sort of justification every time we are faced with a massacre, a truly scandalous way of acting like the mentally ill. or under the influence of drugs and now we also have the rapper … but it’s funny. One who comes out of prison just two days ago, if he is not infected by some racial ideological virus, what reason would he have had for carrying out a massacre of this magnitude? It seems obvious how obvious that he wanted to sow terror in a parade among the people who took part in it. We await the developments and investigations of the police and then we will be able to have a clearer idea even if I already have suspicions about the reason for the massacre … but I wait patiently before expressing myself clearly in such a way as not to be careless in formulating opinions. In the meantime we wait, take a look at the media and their way of informing us Westerners, you will see that slowly the news from the front page will pass to the last and then … within a couple of days the news itself will disappear from the news and nobody the more he talks about it, nor will talk shows be dedicated to analyze and argue about this new massacre, already … it will be, as always, information managed according to his own editorial interest and at the service of Biden’s politicians and his European friends, or linked to some ideology not identified at the moment such as to induce them to always tell us what they “want us to listen to”. 22112021 … by … https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/ https://vk.com/id529229155



Stopped for Waukesha would be a 39-year-old rapper

Darrell Brooks Jr. suspected of causing the massacre

epa09597019 Debris left from crowds attending a Christmas parade lies scattered next to police crime scene tape after a SUV reportedly broke through a barricade and drove into  people including children leaving several people dead and many more injured in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA, 21 November 2021. The vehicle was recovered by police and a person of interest is in custody.  EPA/TANNEN MAURY



ANSAROMA editorial staff

November 22, 2021

(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 22 – The man suspected of carrying out the massacre during the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin – with at least 5 dead and 40 injured, including several children – is said to be 39-year-old Darrell Brooks Jr.

This was reported by various US media, although there was no official confirmation.

The suspect, sources say, was stopped in Milwaukee and is a rapper who goes by the name of MathBoi Fly. He was in possession of a Ford key. The attack on the parade was made with a red Ford Escape. (HANDLE).





C’est vraiment irritant comme c’est ennuyeux de faire face à l’hypocrisie de l’information lorsqu’ils doivent décrire la dynamique d’un massacre peut-être prémédité, puis ils cherchent des atténuations pour le criminel et des excuses pour essayer de minimiser l’attention du vrai problème. Dans cet énième massacre d’innocents, il est clair que le conducteur n’a pas été soigné par un psychiatre, ni sous thérapie médicamenteuse, ni énervé contre sa belle-mère et donc pourquoi cherchait-il une motivation possible pour le déchaînement meurtrier dans son passé récent de prisonnier ? Et qu’est-ce que la sortie de prison il y a quelques jours a à voir avec la folie de tuer des innocents alors qu’ils marchaient tranquillement un jour de fête ? Et c’est reparti… la dynamique du massacre apparaît claire et sans équivoque, un véhicule poussé à vitesse maximale entre piétons n’a aucune justification ni ne peut être confondu avec une évasion après un banal coup de couteau, comme on dit, un fait de sang cela s’est certainement passé loin de la zone de destruction. Les intentions du “conducteur fou” étaient claires et préméditées, qui entendait évidemment abattre le plus de personnes possible lorsqu’il pénétrait dans la zone réservée aux piétons participant au défilé, et même la présence d’autant d’enfants ne l’a pas fait abandonner. . Qu’il s’agisse d’un attentat terroriste et hors de doute et ceux qui prétendent le contraire le font évidemment pour des intérêts politiques et cela est lié à la manière honteuse de piloter l’information et de façonner l’actualité comme pour nous dire que c’est un “rappeur”… et qu’est-ce que ça fait? La seule question à se poser est pourquoi le malfaiteur a délibérément « pavé » tous ces innocents… a-t-il pu arrêter le véhicule après le premier virage, effectué pour éviter un piéton mais ensuite… il a heurté plein d’autres en plein… en fait , après le « first hit in full », comme vous pouvez le voir dans les vidéos, au lieu de s’arrêter il a continué sa course folle et pourquoi ? Il semble évident à ce moment-là qu’il voulait les écraser et faire le plus de morts possible… peut-être pour assouvir sa soif de sang et de terreur… des instincts qui pour nous les gens normaux sont très éloignés des concepts de terreur et paraître irrationnel. Et oui, car c’est précisément le point d’analyse, c’est-à-dire : à qui et à quoi servait ce massacre d’innocents ? Pourquoi semer la terreur comme ça ? Nous aurons certainement les réponses dans les heures ou les jours qui viennent mais ce qui est le plus insupportable, c’est la manière toujours équivoque d’informer, de chercher une sorte de justification à chaque fois que nous sommes confrontés à un massacre, une manière vraiment scandaleuse d’agir comme le malades mentaux ou sous l’emprise de drogues et maintenant nous avons aussi le rappeur… mais c’est marrant. Celui qui sort de prison il y a à peine deux jours, s’il n’est pas infecté par quelque virus idéologique racial, quelle raison aurait-il eu pour commettre un massacre de cette ampleur ? Il semble évident à quel point il a voulu semer la terreur dans un défilé parmi les personnes qui y ont participé. On attend les développements et les enquêtes de la police et après on pourra avoir une idée plus précise même si j’ai déjà des soupçons sur la raison du massacre… mais j’attends patiemment avant de m’exprimer clairement de manière à ne pas être négligent dans la formulation d’opinions. En attendant, nous attendons, jetez un œil aux médias et à leur façon de nous informer, nous les occidentaux, vous verrez que petit à petit les nouvelles de la Une passeront à la dernière et puis… disparaîtra de l’actualité et plus personne n’en parle, pas plus que des talk-shows ne seront dédiés à analyser et argumenter sur ce nouveau massacre, déjà… ce sera, comme toujours, une information gérée selon son propre intérêt éditorial et à la service des politiciens de Biden et de ses amis européens, ou liés à une idéologie non identifiée pour le moment de manière à les amener à toujours nous dire ce qu’ils « veulent que nous écoutions ». 22112021 … par … https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/ https://vk.com/id529229155



Arrêté pour Waukesha serait un rappeur de 39 ans

Darrell Brooks Jr. soupçonné d’avoir causé le massacre

epa09597019 Debris left from crowds attending a Christmas parade lies scattered next to police crime scene tape after a SUV reportedly broke through a barricade and drove into  people including children leaving several people dead and many more injured in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA, 21 November 2021. The vehicle was recovered by police and a person of interest is in custody.  EPA/TANNEN MAURY



La rédaction d’ANSAROMA

22 novembre 2021

(ANSA) – ROME, 22 NOV – L’homme soupçonné d’avoir perpétré le massacre lors du défilé de Noël à Waukesha, Wisconsin – avec au moins 5 morts et 40 blessés, dont plusieurs enfants – serait Darrell Brooks, 39 ans. Jr.

Cela a été rapporté par divers médias américains, bien qu’il n’y ait eu aucune confirmation officielle.

Le suspect, selon des sources, a été arrêté à Milwaukee et est un rappeur qui s’appelle MathBoi Fly. Il était en possession d’une clé Ford. L’attaque du défilé a été faite avec une Ford Escape rouge. (MANIPULER).

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