epa04992637 A handout picture made available by the Spanish maritime rescue services shows the rescue of 27 migrants on a small boat at sea 55 miles from the Spanish coast in Gran Canaria early 24 October 2015. The small boat left Cape Bojador, northern coast of Western Sahara, on 22 October towards the Canary Islands and it was searched by the maritime services by helicopter, aircraft and boat on 23 October after it was known that  the boat had sailed towards the Spanish coast. The boat was finally found around midnight early 24 october.  EPA/SALVAMENTO MARITIMO / HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


Pedro Sanchez è il meraviglioso rappresentate ed esempio della sinistra culturale e progressista europea nonché presidente del governo spagnolo dal  lontano 18 giugno 2018, il suo insediamento, per chi no lo ricorda o non ne è a conoscenza, avvenne con la modalità cara agli uomini della sinistra e cioè, col solito ribaltone parlamentare causato dalle “solite condizioni economiche critiche”  dell’allora presidente Mariano Rajoy. Al suo insediamento la prima dichiarazione pubblica è stata quella di voler aprire incondizionatamente le porte all’accoglienza migratoria senza freni e limiti alcuno condito da tante parole da libro “Cuore”, e non contento di ciò, ebbe anche l’arroganza di  criticare con forza il ministro degli interni italiano, all’epoca Matteo Salvini, che cercava in tutti i modi di arginare  i flussi migratori impedendo lo sbarco dei migranti sulle coste italiane delle navi ONG, organizzazioni che oramai tutti sappiamo quanto sono inquinati nel disgustoso business del traffico umano. Infatti quella presa di dura posizione di impedimento costrinse tutti gli scafisti a intraprendere nuove rotte migratorie per arrivare in Spagna e in Francia… Ovvio che il Salvini del momento non piaceva a Sanchez dal “cuore nobile e generoso”… però, col suo ciarlare ora si è trovato in casa un mega problema di soluzione impossibile, perché ora le rotte sono segnate e ne arriveranno in continuazione e lui non sa neanche da dove iniziare ad affrontarlo ed è costretto a prenderseli tutti altrimenti… ci fa la figura “dell’idiota che parla a vanvera “ – Il bello è che  criticava l’Italia e il suo governo giallo-verde e logicamente se inverte la rotta delle parole sarà costretto a rimangiarsi tutta la merda che ha buttato contro Salvini e la sua politica restrittiva. Ma il disastro non è completo, perché non contento delle sue “cazzate da profeta” ha di fatto aperto le porte a migliaia di marocchini  in fuga, via terra e superando il confine recintato col Marocco, nelle due città spagnole del nord Africa di Melilla e Ceuta, e aggravando la situazione via mare… perché da mesi si è aggiunta la rotta marittima delle Canarie, l’arcipelago spagnolo al largo della costa ovest africana ora è meta ambita da tutti i migranti. E lui cosa fa  per cercare di bloccare l’immigrazione senza fine ? Niente, non fa assolutamente niente perché vuol restare fedele ed essere in linea col suo pensiero da uomo nobile e di cultura progressista… quindi via libera ai migranti ma intanto, con loro arrivano anche le sciagure, tanti morti dovuti solo ed esclusivamente dal suo disgraziato sinistro pensiero e vedute balorde sull’immigrazione. Non so se le 30 donne e gli 8 bambini sono davvero morti annegati nelle acque dell’Atlantico ma se è una drammatica realtà chiedo :  chi dobbiamo ringraziare per tutti questi morti ? Certamente non Salvini o chi non vuole l’immigrazione clandestina e forzata ma coloro i quali si manifestano buoni ed accogliente però… non pagano, con soldi propri, i traghetti per portarseli in casa… già in casa danno fastidio i migranti…  e tra loro c’è anche il “fantastico Sanchez”. E già, perché a predicare… loro, a partire proprio da Pedro, son tutti belli e buoni  ma poi, quando c’è da razzolare allora se la prendono sempre con i “presunti cattivi” o con l’Europa… la solita scusa per evitare i commenti. Lo dico da anni e lo ripeto anche in questa occasione, se volete portare i  migranti in sicurezza in Europa  noleggiate le navi da crociera o traghetti e li portate in sicurezza e nessuna vita si perderà. Ovviamente i costi saranno da addebitare a quelli che perorano la causa degli immigrati. Ho la netta convinzione che questa idea non trovi “accoglienza tra gli accoglienti “! E in ultimo, il mio pensiero affettuoso” va ai soliti media… già, ma v’immaginate se al governo spagnolo c’era ancora Rajoy e magari in Francia il presidente non è Macron ma  la Le Pen ? Avrebbero scritto fiumi di articoli e montagne di insulti assortiti e di tutti i gusti ed epiteti  tra… “assassini e razzisti e populisti”, però… siccome i veri colpevoli delle stragi del mare sono i “radical cultur della sinistra”  allora il silenzio è d’oro… “Silence please…il nemico è in ascolto” e tra un po’ si vota ! 06082021 …by… …


Naufragio di migranti con decine di morti su rotta Canarie

Caminando Fronteras, 42 dispersi. Su una spiaggia ieri 12 morti

epa04992637 A handout picture made available by the Spanish maritime rescue services shows the rescue of 27 migrants on a small boat at sea 55 miles from the Spanish coast in Gran Canaria early 24 October 2015. The small boat left Cape Bojador, northern coast of Western Sahara, on 22 October towards the Canary Islands and it was searched by the maritime services by helicopter, aircraft and boat on 23 October after it was known that  the boat had sailed towards the Spanish coast. The boat was finally found around midnight early 24 october.  EPA/SALVAMENTO MARITIMO / HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


06 agosto 2021 17:45

Caminando Fronteras, ong specializzata in migrazioni sulla rotta Africa-Isole Canarie, ha denunciato una nuova tragedia del mare: un naufragio con decine di morti e dispersi avvenuto martedì nei pressi della costa di Dakhla, nel Sahara Occidentale. Secondo la ong, mancano all’appello 42 persone — tra cui 30 donne e 8 minori — mentre alcuni pescatori, come riporta anche il sito di notizie locali, hanno tratto in salvo 10 persone prima che intervenisse la marina marocchina.  Dakhlanews riporta che nella ieri sono stati ritrovati su una spiaggia 12 corpi che potrebbero essere di migranti deceduti in questa tragedia.Helena Maleno, attivista nota in Spagna e portavoce di Caminando Fronteras, ha spiegato all’ANSA che la sua organizzazione ha rintracciato i sopravvissuti: attraverso le loro testimonianze — in particolare quella di una donna che ha perso due figli — è stato possibile ricostruire la dinamica del naufragio e quante persone mancavano, ha aggiunto.
L’imbarcazione su cui viaggiavano sarebbe stata ribaltata da un’onda. Le autorità marocchine e spagnole al momento non hanno confermato in via ufficiale i fatti riportati. “Si tratta di una zona di conflitto, molti dei naufragi che avvengono lì non sono riportati”, ha affermato Maleno. Il servizio di soccorso marittimo spagnolo ha attivato le ricerche di un’altra imbarcazione con migranti, che, secondo le segnalazioni ricevute, sarebbe salpata dalla stessa zona del Sahara Occidentale lunedì.




Pedro Sanchez is the wonderful representative and example of the European cultural and progressive left as well as president of the Spanish government since 18 June 2018, his inauguration, for those who do not remember him or are not aware of it, took place in the manner dear to men of the left that is, with the usual parliamentary reversal caused by the “usual critical economic conditions” of the then president Mariano Rajoy. At his inauguration, the first public declaration was that of wanting to unconditionally open the doors to migratory welcome without restraints and limits, seasoned with many words from the book “Heart”, and not satisfied with this, he also had the arrogance to forcefully criticize the Italian interior minister, Matteo Salvini at the time, who tried in every way to stem migratory flows by preventing the landing of migrants on the Italian coasts of NGO ships, organizations that by now we all know how polluted they are in the disgusting business of human trafficking. In fact, that taking a hard position of impediment forced all smugglers to undertake new migratory routes to arrive in Spain and France … Obviously, the Salvini of the moment did not like Sanchez with a “noble and generous heart” … however, with his chatter has now found a mega problem with an impossible solution at home, because now the routes are marked and will come all the time and he does not even know where to start to deal with it and is forced to take them all otherwise … it makes a good impression “Of the idiot who talks nonsense” – The beauty is that he criticized Italy and its yellow-green government and logically if he reverses the course of words he will be forced to take back all the shit he threw against Salvini and his restrictive policy . But the disaster is not complete, because not satisfied with his “prophet bullshit” he actually opened the doors to thousands of Moroccans fleeing, by land and crossing the fenced border with Morocco, in the two Spanish cities of North Africa of Melilla and Ceuta, and aggravating the situation by sea … because the Canary Islands sea route has been added for months, the Spanish archipelago off the West African coast is now a popular destination for all migrants. And what does he do to try to stop endless immigration? Nothing, he does absolutely nothing because he wants to remain faithful and be in line with his thinking as a noble man and a progressive culture … so go ahead for migrants but in the meantime, disasters also arrive with them, many deaths due solely and exclusively to his unfortunate sinister thought and foolish views on immigration. I don’t know if the 30 women and 8 children really drowned in the waters of the Atlantic, but if it is a dramatic reality, I ask: who do we have to thank for all these deaths? Certainly not Salvini or those who do not want illegal and forced immigration but those who appear to be good and welcoming however … they do not pay, with their own money, the ferries to take them home … already at home they annoy migrants. .. and among them there is also the “fantastic Sanchez”. And yes, because to preach … they, starting from Pedro, are all beautiful and good but then, when there is something to scratch then they always blame the “alleged bad guys” or Europe … the usual excuse to avoid comments. I have been saying this for years and I repeat it again on this occasion, if you want to bring migrants safely to Europe, rent cruise ships or ferries and bring them safely and no life will be lost. Obviously the costs will be charged to those who advocate the cause of immigrants. I have the clear conviction that this idea does not find “acceptance among the welcoming”! And finally, my affectionate thoughts “go to the usual media … yes, but can you imagine if Rajoy was still in the Spanish government and maybe in France the president is not Macron but Le Pen? They would have written rivers of articles and mountains of assorted insults and of all tastes and epithets between … “murderers and racists and populists”, however … since the real culprits of the massacres of the sea are the “radical cultur of the left” then silence is golden … “Silence please … the enemy is listening” and in a while we vote! 06082021 … by … …


Shipwreck of migrants with dozens of deaths on the Canary route

Caminando Fronteras, 42 missing. On a beach yesterday 12 dead

epa04992637 A handout picture made available by the Spanish maritime rescue services shows the rescue of 27 migrants on a small boat at sea 55 miles from the Spanish coast in Gran Canaria early 24 October 2015. The small boat left Cape Bojador, northern coast of Western Sahara, on 22 October towards the Canary Islands and it was searched by the maritime services by helicopter, aircraft and boat on 23 October after it was known that  the boat had sailed towards the Spanish coast. The boat was finally found around midnight early 24 october.  EPA/SALVAMENTO MARITIMO / HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ANSAMADRID editorial staff

06 August 2021 17:45

Caminando Fronteras, an NGO specializing in migration on the Africa-Canary Islands route, denounced a new tragedy of the sea: a shipwreck with dozens of dead and missing that took place on Tuesday near the coast of Dakhla, in Western Sahara. According to the NGO, 42 people are missing – including 30 women and 8 minors – while some fishermen, as reported by the local news site, have drawn in except 10 people before the Moroccan navy intervened. Dakhlanews reports that yesterday 12 bodies were found on a beach that could be of migrants who died in this tragedy. Helena Maleno, a well-known activist in Spain and spokesperson for Caminando Fronteras, explained to ANSA that her organization has tracked down the survivors: through their testimonies – in particular that of a woman who lost two children – it was possible to reconstruct the dynamics of the shipwreck and how many people were missing, he added.

The boat they were traveling in would be overturned by a wave. The Moroccan and Spanish authorities have not officially confirmed the reported facts at the moment. “This is a conflict zone, many of the shipwrecks that occur there are not reported,” said Maleno. The Spanish maritime rescue service has activated the search for another boat with migrants, which, according to reports received, would have sailed from the same area of Western Sahara on Monday.




Pedro Sanchez est le merveilleux représentant et exemple de la gauche culturelle et progressiste européenne ainsi que président du gouvernement espagnol depuis le 18 juin 2018, son investiture, pour ceux qui ne s’en souviennent pas ou ne le savent pas, s’est déroulée de la manière cher aux hommes de gauche c’est-à-dire avec l’habituel renversement parlementaire provoqué par les « conditions économiques critiques habituelles » du président de l’époque, Mariano Rajoy. Lors de son investiture, la première déclaration publique fut celle de vouloir ouvrir inconditionnellement les portes de l’accueil migratoire sans contraintes ni limites, assaisonné de nombreux mots du livre “Coeur”, et non satisfait de cela, il eut aussi l’arrogance de critiquer avec force le ministre italien de l’intérieur, Matteo Salvini à l’époque, qui a tenté par tous les moyens d’endiguer les flux migratoires en empêchant le débarquement de migrants sur les côtes italiennes de navires d’ONG, des organisations dont on sait désormais à quel point elles sont polluées dans le commerce dégoûtant de traite des êtres humains. En fait, cette prise de position dure d’empêchement obligeait tous les passeurs à entreprendre de nouvelles routes migratoires pour arriver en Espagne et en France… Visiblement, les Salvini du moment n’aimaient pas Sanchez au “cœur noble et généreux”… cependant , avec son bavardage a maintenant trouvé un méga problème d’une solution impossible à la maison, car maintenant les itinéraires sont balisés et viendront tout le temps et il ne sait même pas par où commencer pour y faire face et est obligé de les prendre tous autrement … ça fait bonne impression “De l’idiot qui dit des bêtises” – La beauté c’est qu’il a critiqué l’Italie et son gouvernement jaune-vert et logiquement s’il renverse le cours des mots il sera obligé de reprendre toute la merde qu’il a jeté contre Salvini et sa politique restrictive. Mais le désastre n’est pas complet, car non satisfait de sa “connerie de prophète” il a en fait ouvert les portes à des milliers de Marocains fuyant, par voie terrestre et franchissant la frontière clôturée avec le Maroc, dans les deux villes espagnoles d’Afrique du Nord de Melilla et Ceuta, et aggravant la situation par la mer… parce que la route maritime des Canaries s’est ajoutée depuis des mois, l’archipel espagnol au large des côtes ouest-africaines est désormais une destination prisée de tous les migrants. Et que fait-il pour essayer d’arrêter une immigration sans fin ? Rien, il ne fait absolument rien car il veut rester fidèle et être en phase avec sa pensée d’homme noble et de culture progressiste… alors allez-y pour les migrants mais en attendant, des catastrophes arrivent aussi avec eux, de nombreux décès dus uniquement et exclusivement à sa malheureuse pensée sinistre et à ses vues insensées sur l’immigration. Je ne sais pas si les 30 femmes et 8 enfants se sont vraiment noyés dans les eaux de l’Atlantique, mais si c’est une réalité dramatique, je demande : qui devons-nous remercier pour tous ces décès ? Certainement pas Salvini ou ceux qui ne veulent pas de l’immigration clandestine et forcée mais ceux qui se montrent bons et accueillants cependant… ils ne paient pas, avec leur propre argent, les ferries pour les ramener chez eux… déjà chez eux ils agacent migrants… et parmi eux il y a aussi le “fantastique Sanchez”. Et oui, parce que prêcher… ils, à partir de Pedro, sont tous beaux et bons mais alors, quand il y a quelque chose à gratter alors ils accusent toujours les “prétendus méchants” ou l’Europe… l’excuse habituelle pour éviter les commentaires . Je le dis depuis des années et je le répète à cette occasion, si vous voulez amener des migrants en toute sécurité en Europe, louez des bateaux de croisière ou des ferries et amenez-les en toute sécurité et aucune vie ne sera perdue. Évidemment, les frais seront imputés à ceux qui défendent la cause des immigrants. J’ai la nette conviction que cette idée ne trouve pas “l’acceptation parmi les accueillants” ! Et enfin, mes pensées affectueuses « vont aux médias habituels… oui, mais pouvez-vous imaginer si Rajoy était encore au gouvernement espagnol et peut-être qu’en France le président n’est pas Macron mais Le Pen ? Ils auraient écrit des fleuves d’articles et des montagnes d’injures assorties et de tous les goûts et épithètes entre… “des assassins et des racistes et des populistes”, pourtant… puisque les vrais coupables des massacres de la mer sont la “culture radicale de la gauche” alors le silence est d’or… “Silence s’il vous plait… l’ennemi écoute” et dans un instant on vote ! 06082021 … par … …


Naufrage de migrants avec des dizaines de morts sur la route des Canaries

Caminando Fronteras, 42 disparus. Sur une plage hier 12 morts

epa04992637 A handout picture made available by the Spanish maritime rescue services shows the rescue of 27 migrants on a small boat at sea 55 miles from the Spanish coast in Gran Canaria early 24 October 2015. The small boat left Cape Bojador, northern coast of Western Sahara, on 22 October towards the Canary Islands and it was searched by the maritime services by helicopter, aircraft and boat on 23 October after it was known that  the boat had sailed towards the Spanish coast. The boat was finally found around midnight early 24 october.  EPA/SALVAMENTO MARITIMO / HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

La rédaction d’ANSAMADRID

06 août 2021 17:45

Caminando Fronteras, une ONG spécialisée dans les migrations sur la route Afrique-Canaries, a dénoncé une nouvelle tragédie de la mer : un naufrage avec des dizaines de morts et de disparus qui a eu lieu mardi près des côtes de Dakhla, au Sahara occidental. Selon l’ONG, 42 personnes sont portées disparues – dont 30 femmes et 8 mineurs – tandis que certains pêcheurs, comme le rapporte le site d’information local, ont attire à l’exception de 10 personnes avant l’intervention de la marine marocaine. Dakhlanews rapporte qu’hier 12 corps ont été retrouvés sur une plage qui pourraient être ceux de migrants morts dans cette tragédie.Helena Maleno, militante bien connue en Espagne et porte-parole de Caminando Fronteras, a expliqué à l’ANSA que son organisation a retrouvé les survivants : à travers leurs témoignages – notamment celui d’une femme qui a perdu deux enfants – il a été possible de reconstituer la dynamique du naufrage et le nombre de personnes disparues, a-t-il ajouté.

Le bateau dans lequel ils voyageaient serait renversé par une vague. Les autorités marocaines et espagnoles n’ont pas confirmé officiellement les faits rapportés pour le moment. “C’est une zone de conflit, de nombreux naufrages qui s’y produisent ne sont pas signalés”, a déclaré Maleno. Le service de sauvetage maritime espagnol a activé la recherche d’un autre bateau avec des migrants, qui, selon les informations reçues, aurait quitté lundi la même zone du Sahara occidental.

GRAZIE… PEDRO SANCHEZ PEREZ-CASTEJON !ultima modifica: 2021-08-06T20:57:54+02:00da manlio22ldc
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