epa07285165 A Canadian flag flies at the Canadian embassy in Beijing, China, 15 January 2019. A Chinese court issued a death sentence to Robert Lloyd Schellenberg of Canada for drug smuggling. On 14 January 2019, following an appeal, a high court in Dalian city changed the man's previous 15 years in prison sentence for drug smuggling and sentenced him to death, saying his previous sentence was too lenient, according to media reports. The ruling comes during a diplomatic row between Canada and China after Canadian authorities arrested Meng Wanzhou, an executive for Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, at the request of the USA.  EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY


Il Canada vive un altro momento di terrore, due giorni fa si è consumato l’ennesima tragedia, un auto guidata da un giovanissimo ragazzo ha falciato un’intera famiglia musulmana e ne ha ucciso quattro di loro mentre il quinto, un adolescente, è ricoverato in ospedale e combatte per la sua vita.  La polizia è convinta che si tratti di un attentato terroristico islamofobico. Morire per le vie pubbliche ed essere asfaltati, come è già accaduto in diverse occasioni a gente non islamica ma persone di altra fede se non addirittura degli atei, è sempre qualcosa che irrita ed indigna e rammarica. Tuttavia anche in questa tragedia, certamente non ce n’era bisogno e non era il caso, quel che indispettisce è il solito modo di fare informazione, pilotata e di parte. Eh sì… mi piace farvi  far notare che quando vengono asfaltati sulla pubblica via o su un lungomare, per mano dei terroristi islamici, dei normali e innocenti cittadini europei o americani del nord allora scende subito  in campo l’informazione artefatta e prona all’islam, deviata e subdola che subito antepone l’atto terroristico alla follia individuale del criminale escludendo a priori l’appartenenza  alla religione islamica del terrorista stesso… Non contenti di queste bufale escogitate, dal sapore disgustoso, anche la polizia si mostra “cauta e accorta, recitando la loro parte di complicità”… quindi che si fa ? Ovvio, si ventila l’ipotesi che il terrorista possa essere un malato mentale, è routine in Italia, e magari era anche in cura da un psichiatra e ovviamente faceva abitualmente uso di psicofarmaci… questo è il primo impatto di notizie che noi solitamente riceviamo come un macigno sul capo subito dopo un attentato terroristico di matrice islamica. Poi, con calma ci spiegano che  i contorni  e matrice dell’attentato  non sono ancora molto chiari né evidenti né riconducibili ad un terrorismo religioso islamico sebbene i testimoni hanno ascoltato l’urlo di battaglia dei terroristi islamici “Allah Akbar” . Solo allora quando i testimoni lo hanno pubblicamente dichiarato ci informano, dopo uno o due  giorni, che il terrorista era una cellula impazzita o meglio un lupo solitario… sostantivo molto comodi ed  utili col fine di tranquillizzare i cittadini sul fatto che il terrorista islamico non ha “fratelli lupi” in giro quindi si tratta di un attentato isolato sebbene se ne contino nel mondo a migliaia dal 1972 con  decine di migliaia di morti ammazzati solo perché definiti infedeli. Ora la scena si inverte e le vittime sono di fede islamica, un’intera famiglia, non si sa perché il giovane lo abbia fatto ma non intendo soffermarmi su questo punto perché non mi interessa sapere il perché ma punto il dito contro le falsità dei media e ella polizia canadese. Come mai il giovane criminale, la cui nazionalità è al momento ignota, a differenza dei terroristi islamici o dei migranti europei non è stato etichettato come probabile malato mentale “ ? Già, anche perché da subito non avevano neanche idea di chi fosse e perché era avvenuta la strage e quindi solo perché erano islamici si lega immediatamente l’attentato alla islamofobia ? Non mi sembra una buona ragione e se magari amava la figlia e si è visto rifiutato dal padre perché non mussulmano ? Come anche essere certi, prima di svolgere le necessarie indagini, che possa trattarsi di un gesto odioso verso la famiglia islamica lascia il tempo che trova… Prima di affermare che trattasi di vera islamofobia con assoluta certezza sarebbe stato opportuno indagare e poi, una volta accertate le motivazioni solo allora e in quel caso si può scrivere di attentato di matrice islamofobica e non prima. Infatti mi sarei aspettato di leggere di probabile disturbato mentale e invece no… non l’ho letto. L’unica cosa indigesta che ravviso da un po’ di tempo è che l’atteggiamento dei media, molto di parte, “la dicono lunga” sul fatto che l’islam sia diventata una religione intoccabile sul piano mediatico e viene sempre dipinta con distinguo e differenze… evidentemente la strage di Charlie Hebdo ha lasciato un segno tangibile di paura nell’occidente visto che la satira verso la religione islamica è del tutto sparita. Una vera sconfitta per gli occidentali ed un fallimento di integrazione col mondo mussulmano. Addirittura siamo al punto che è vietato ironizzare su di loro, vietato parlarne e scrivere sui social, pena il blocco del profilo, vietato pronunciare  la parola islam perché diventata un tabù e terrore per l’occidente. L’attentato è ovviamente da condannare al 100%, non si uccidono le persone per nessun motivo ma sono anni che lo dico e lo ripeto anche ora, ci sono tante differenze tra noi occidentali e mussulmani e loro non dovrebbero venire da noi, troppo diversi per pensare di vivere insieme e in pace. Non finirà qui la storia degli omicidi asfaltati…purtroppo la rabbia ed odio cresce e si sviluppa nelle menti delle persone. 09062021 …by… …


Canada: veicolo uccide famiglia musulmana, arrestato 20enne

‘Attacco premeditato’. Quattro i morti, tra loro un teenager

epa07285165 A Canadian flag flies at the Canadian embassy in Beijing, China, 15 January 2019. A Chinese court issued a death sentence to Robert Lloyd Schellenberg of Canada for drug smuggling. On 14 January 2019, following an appeal, a high court in Dalian city changed the man's previous 15 years in prison sentence for drug smuggling and sentenced him to death, saying his previous sentence was too lenient, according to media reports. The ruling comes during a diplomatic row between Canada and China after Canadian authorities arrested Meng Wanzhou, an executive for Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, at the request of the USA.  EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY



07 giugno 202122:43NEWS

(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, JUN 7 – Cinque persone di una stessa famiglia musulmana sono state investite domenica sera da un veicolo a London, nella provincia canadese dell’Ontario, in quello che per gli investigatori è stato un attacco “premeditato” per la loro fede islamica. Quattro di loro sono morti. Lo riferiscono i media locali, citando la polizia. Un ventenne di London è stato arrestato come sospettato dell’attentato. Le vittime sono tre adulti e un teenager. Un altro adolescente è ricoverato in ospedale in gravi condizioni.




Canada is experiencing another moment of terror, two days ago yet another tragedy took place, a car driven by a very young boy mowed down an entire Muslim family and killed four of them while the fifth, a teenager, is hospitalized in the hospital and fights for his life. The police are convinced that this is an Islamophobic terrorist attack. Dying in public streets and being asphalted, as has already happened on several occasions to non-Islamic people but people of other faiths or even atheists, is always something that irritates and indignates and regrets. However, even in this tragedy, there was certainly no need and it was not the case, what is annoying is the usual way of informing, controlled and biased. Oh yes … I like to point out that when they are paved on the public street or on a waterfront, by the hands of Islamic terrorists, normal and innocent European or North American citizens, then the artificial information immediately takes the field. ‘Islam, devious and devious which immediately puts the terrorist act before the individual madness of the criminal, excluding a priori the belonging to the Islamic religion of the terrorist himself … Not content with these contrived hoaxes, with a disgusting flavor, even the police show themselves ” cautious and shrewd, playing their part of complicity “… so what do you do? Obviously, there is the hypothesis that the terrorist may be a mental patient, it is routine in Italy, and maybe he was also being treated by a psychiatrist and obviously used to habitually use psychotropic drugs … this is the first impact of news that we usually we receive like a boulder on the head immediately after an Islamic terrorist attack. Then, calmly, they explain to us that the outlines and matrix of the attack are not yet very clear, neither evident nor attributable to Islamic religious terrorism, although the witnesses have heard the battle cry of the Islamic terrorists “Allah Akbar”. Only then, when the witnesses have publicly declared it, do they inform us, after one or two days, that the terrorist was a crazy cell or rather a lone wolf … very comfortable and useful noun in order to reassure citizens that the Islamic terrorist it has no “wolf brothers” around so it is an isolated attack although there have been thousands of them in the world since 1972 with tens of thousands of deaths killed just because they were defined infidels. Now the scene is reversed and the victims are of Islamic faith, an entire family, it is not known why the young man did it but I do not intend to dwell on this point because I am not interested in knowing why but I point the finger at the falsehoods of the media. and the Canadian police. How come the young criminal, whose nationality is currently unknown, unlike the Islamic terrorists or European migrants, has not been labeled as likely mentally ill “? Yes, also because they immediately had no idea who he was and why the massacre had occurred and therefore only because they were Muslims is the attack on Islamophobia immediately linked? It doesn’t seem a good reason to me and if maybe he loved his daughter and was rejected by his father why not Muslim? As well as being certain, before carrying out the necessary investigations, that it may be a hateful gesture towards the Islamic family, leave the time it finds … Before stating that it is true Islamophobia with absolute certainty it would have been appropriate to investigate and then, a once the reasons have been ascertained only then and in that case can one write of an Islamophobic attack and not before. In fact, I would have expected to read about probable mental disturbance but no … I have not read it. The only indigestible thing that I have noticed for some time is that the attitude of the media, very biased, “says a lot” about the fact that Islam has become an untouchable religion on the media level and is always painted with distinction and differences … evidently the Charlie Hebdo massacre left a tangible sign of fear in the West as the satire towards the Islamic religion has completely disappeared. A real defeat for Westerners and a failure of integration with the Muslim world. We are even at the point where it is forbidden to make fun of them, it is forbidden to talk and write about them on social media, under penalty of blocking the profile, forbidden to pronounce the word Islam because it has become a taboo and terror for the West. The attack is obviously to be condemned 100%, people are not killed for any reason but I have been saying it for years and I repeat it even now, there are many differences between us Westerners and Muslims and they should not come to us, too different to think of living together and in peace. The story of the asphalted murders will not end here … unfortunately anger and hatred grows and develops in people’s minds. 09062021 …by… …


Canada: vehicle kills mus family Muslim, arrested 20 years old

‘Premeditated attack’. Four dead, among them a teenager

epa07285165 A Canadian flag flies at the Canadian embassy in Beijing, China, 15 January 2019. A Chinese court issued a death sentence to Robert Lloyd Schellenberg of Canada for drug smuggling. On 14 January 2019, following an appeal, a high court in Dalian city changed the man's previous 15 years in prison sentence for drug smuggling and sentenced him to death, saying his previous sentence was too lenient, according to media reports. The ruling comes during a diplomatic row between Canada and China after Canadian authorities arrested Meng Wanzhou, an executive for Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, at the request of the USA.  EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY


ANSAWASHINGTON editorial staff

June 07, 202122: 43NEWS

(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, JUN 7 – Five people from the same Muslim family were hit Sunday evening by a vehicle in London, in the Canadian province of Ontario, in what for investigators was a “premeditated” attack on their Islamic faith. Four of them died. Local media reported this, citing the police. A 20-year-old from London was arrested as a suspect in the attack. The victims are three adults and a teenager. Another teenager is hospitalized in a serious condition.




Le Canada connaît un autre moment de terreur, une énième tragédie a eu lieu il y a deux jours, une voiture conduite par un très jeune garçon a fauché toute une famille musulmane et en a tué quatre tandis que le cinquième, un adolescent, est hospitalisé à l’hôpital et se bat pour sa vie. La police est convaincue qu’il s’agit d’un attentat terroriste islamophobe. Mourir dans les rues et être asphalté, comme cela est déjà arrivé à plusieurs reprises à des personnes non islamiques mais d’autres confessions ou même athées, est toujours quelque chose qui irrite, indigne et regrette. Cependant, même dans cette tragédie, il n’y en avait certainement pas besoin et ce n’était pas le cas, ce qui est agaçant c’est la manière habituelle de fournir des informations, contrôlées et biaisées. Ah oui… J’aime souligner que lorsqu’ils sont asphaltés sur la voie publique ou sur un front de mer, par les mains de terroristes islamistes, de citoyens européens ou nord-américains normaux et innocents, alors l’information artificielle et sujette entre immédiatement en jeu. « L’islam sournois et sournois qui fait d’emblée passer l’acte terroriste avant la folie individuelle du criminel, excluant a priori l’appartenance à la religion islamique du terroriste lui-même… Non content de ces canulars artificiels, à la saveur répugnante, même les policiers se montrent « prudents et astucieux, jouant leur rôle de complicité »… alors que faites-vous ? Evidemment, l’hypothèse que le terroriste puisse être un malade mental est émise, c’est routinier en Italie, et peut-être qu’il était aussi soigné par un psychiatre et visiblement habitué à consommer des psychotropes… c’est le premier impact de l’actualité qui nous avons l’habitude de recevoir comme un rocher sur la tête immédiatement après une attaque terroriste islamique. Puis, calmement, ils nous expliquent que les contours et la matrice de l’attaque ne sont pas encore très clairs ou évidents ou attribuables au terrorisme religieux islamique, bien que les témoins aient entendu le cri de guerre des terroristes islamiques « Allah Akbar ». Alors seulement, lorsque les témoins l’ont déclaré publiquement, nous informent-ils, au bout d’un ou deux jours, que le terroriste était une cellule folle ou plutôt un loup solitaire… nom très confortable et utile pour rassurer les citoyens que l’Islam terroriste, il n’y a pas de “frères loups” dans les parages, il s’agit donc d’une attaque isolée bien qu’il y en ait eu des milliers dans le monde depuis 1972 avec des dizaines de milliers de morts juste parce qu’ils étaient définis comme des infidèles. Maintenant la scène est inversée et les victimes sont de confession islamique, toute une famille, on ne sait pas pourquoi le jeune homme l’a fait mais je n’ai pas l’intention de m’étendre sur ce point car ça ne m’intéresse pas de savoir pourquoi mais je pointe du doigt aux mensonges des médias et de la police canadienne. Comment se fait-il que le jeune criminel, dont la nationalité est actuellement inconnue, contrairement aux terroristes islamiques ou aux migrants européens, n’ait pas été étiqueté comme probablement malade mental » ? Oui, aussi parce qu’ils n’avaient immédiatement aucune idée de qui il était et pourquoi le massacre a eu lieu et donc seulement parce qu’ils étaient islamiques est-ce que l’attaque contre l’islamophobie est immédiatement liée ? Cela ne semble pas être une bonne raison et si peut-être il aimait sa fille et a été rejeté par son père pourquoi pas musulman ? En plus d’être certain, avant de mener les investigations nécessaires, qu’il peut s’agir d’un geste haineux envers la famille islamique, laissez le temps qu’elle trouve… Avant d’affirmer qu’il s’agit bien de l’islamophobie avec une certitude absolue il aurait été opportun d’enquêter et puis, une fois que les raisons ont été déterminées seulement alors et dans ce cas on peut parler d’attaque islamophobe et pas avant. En fait, je me serais attendu à lire sur les troubles mentaux probables mais non… La seule chose indigeste que j’ai remarquée depuis quelques temps, c’est que l’attitude des médias, très biaisée, “en dit long” sur le fait que l’islam est devenu une religion intouchable sur le plan médiatique et est toujours peint avec distinction et différences. .. évidemment le massacre de Charlie Hebdo a laissé un signe tangible de peur en Occident alors que la satire envers la religion islamique a complètement disparu. Une vraie défaite pour les Occidentaux et un échec de l’intégration avec le monde musulman. On en est même au point où il est interdit de se moquer d’eux, il est interdit de parler et d’écrire à leur sujet sur les réseaux sociaux, sous peine de bloquer le profil, interdit de prononcer le mot islam car c’est devenu un tabou et une terreur pour l’Occident. L’attaque est évidemment à condamner à 100%, les gens ne sont tués pour aucune raison mais je le dis depuis des années et je le répète encore maintenant, il y a beaucoup de différences entre nous occidentaux et musulmans et ils ne devraient pas venir nous aussi différent de penser à vivre ensemble et en paix. L’histoire des meurtres asphaltés ne s’arrêtera pas là… malheureusement, la colère et la haine grandissent et se développent dans les esprits. 09062021 …by… …


Canada : un véhicule tue une famille Musulman, arrêté 20 ans

« Attaque préméditée ». Quatre morts, dont un adolescent

epa07285165 A Canadian flag flies at the Canadian embassy in Beijing, China, 15 January 2019. A Chinese court issued a death sentence to Robert Lloyd Schellenberg of Canada for drug smuggling. On 14 January 2019, following an appeal, a high court in Dalian city changed the man's previous 15 years in prison sentence for drug smuggling and sentenced him to death, saying his previous sentence was too lenient, according to media reports. The ruling comes during a diplomatic row between Canada and China after Canadian authorities arrested Meng Wanzhou, an executive for Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, at the request of the USA.  EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY



07 juin 202122 : 43ACTUALITÉS

(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, 7 JUIN – Cinq personnes d’une même famille musulmane ont été heurtées dimanche soir par un véhicule à London, dans la province canadienne de l’Ontario, dans ce qui était pour les enquêteurs une attaque “préméditée” contre leur foi islamique. Quatre d’entre eux sont morts. Les médias locaux ont rapporté cela, citant la police. Un jeune de 20 ans de Londres a été arrêté en tant que suspect dans l’attaque. Les victimes sont trois adultes et un adolescent. Un autre adolescent est hospitalisé dans un état grave.

FRATELLO …LUPO O CATTIVO AUTISTA ?ultima modifica: 2021-06-09T22:43:43+02:00da manlio22ldc
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