epa09236282 A handout photo made available by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba reportedly shows children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, in 1931 (issued on 29 May 2021). According to a statement issued by Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Tk'emlups te Secwépemc First Nation on 27 May 2021 a mass grave has been located at the site of the school that contains the bodies of 215 children whose deaths went undocumented. The school operated from 1890 through 1978 as a place to force youth from indigenous tribes into giving up their language and culture.  EPA/NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


Mi chiedo solo come sia possibile che un crimine del genere possa essere stato perpetrato per decine e decine di anni a dei “piccoli angeli innocenti” da individui che  proprio nella protezione e nella difesa dei più deboli trovano la loro missione cristiana, obiettivi  fondanti della chiesa cattolica  e della comunità cristiana che vive  e prospera uniti nell’insegnamento della parola di Cristo del reciproco amore e solidarietà. E’ sconvolgente sapere che nei pressi di un istituto scolastico cattolico ci sono seppelliti 215  bambini, indigeni locali inviati lì per essere… “rieducati ed inseriti in un contesto di civiltà”… roba da far venire la pelle d’oca, i cui resti sono lì a testimoniare la violenza umana oppure, potrebbe anche essere che sia un luogo di sepoltura tenuto volutamente nascosto… Sì, una sorta di cimitero segreto dove venivano seppelliti i corpi dei nativi morti dopo un parto andato male oppure, trattasi di cadaveri di bambini soppressi  e seppelliti nelle vicinanze della scuola da chi gestiva la scuola dopo un’intensa attività di pedofilia… “abbattuti per non essere scoperti”  ?  Non oso neanche pensarlo che è scandaloso… perché uno scandalo è un aggettivo legato più ad un malaffare o ad un episodio vergognoso di natura immorale ma quando si parla della morte, forse violenta, di centinaia di bambini allora la considerazione di ciò assume un tono diametralmente opposto poiché si entra nella sfera del terrore dove ci sono adulti mentalmente deviati e molto pericolosi . Qui non ci troviamo di fronte a degli insegnati religiosi che hanno perso la via della fede né stiamo parlando di pecorelle smarrite ma di veri e propri pedofili in azione perpetua nell’opera satanica della violenza sessuale su bambini… stupri inimmaginabili  e magari… sì io lo penso… anche sacrifici umani in segno di devozione a Satana. È allucinante… ed incredibile… 215 “anime innocenti” son proprio tante e non può essere confuso come un caso fortuito o un malessere del momento…no, no, questo pare un vero e proprio “sistema di abusi sessuali” che chissà quanti loschi individui ha coinvolto sino al 1978. Come sarebbe anche bello  capire come mai le autorità competenti di polizia non abbiano mai ricevuto notizie dalla dirigenza scolastica di bambini morti o scomparsi né loro abbiano mai indagato a fondo sulla riduzione del numero di bimbi in oltre cento anni ?  E per quale motivo la dirigenza scolastica cattolica o gli insegnati stessi  non hanno mai denunciato la scomparsa o la morte di uno  loro in oltre cento anni ? Forse erano a conoscenza della loro morte e sepoltura nello spazio del recinto scolastico e si sono zittiti ? E poi mi chiedo, com’è possibile che tanti bambini spariscono nel vuoto e di loro non resta tracce sui registri scolastici ? E i genitori dei nativi che non vedono è più i loro figli sicuramente si saranno rivolti alle autorità canadesi per avere informazioni sul destino dei loro figli e come mai non gli è stata data nessuna risposta e non vi sono tracce e documenti riconducibili a questa domanda ?  Non vorrei pensare a male ma in questa storia vedo e sento puzza di insabbiamento da parte di qualche lercio funzionario della polizia da ben 100 anni… perché 215 bambini non possono sparire così nel vuoto nel corso del tempo senza lasciar tracce ed infatti, il mio sospetto lo ritengo sfondato visto che hanno ritrovato un’enormità di piccoli cadaveri all’insaputa di tutti e nel silenzio canadese tutto. Molto bene ha fatto il Papa che questa volta, e con coraggio aggiungo, ha invitato le autorità canadesi ad andare sino in fondo per scoprire la verità e trovare i colpevoli. Il mondo cattolico e il Canada tutto ha bisogno di conoscere la verità su un crimine che non è inferiore ai peggiori del secolo scorso .

06062021 …by… https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/   https://vk.com/id529229155

Scoperta choc in Canada. Resti di 215 bimbi nativi dalla scuola degli orrori

Papa: ‘Fare luce sulla scioccante scoperta nella scuola in Canada’

Fossa comune nei pressi dell’istituto cattolico in cui venivano “rieducati”. Anche a 3 anni

‘Esprimo vicinanza. Autorità politiche e religiose collaborino’

epa09236282 A handout photo made available by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba reportedly shows children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, in 1931 (issued on 29 May 2021). According to a statement issued by Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Tk'emlups te Secwépemc First Nation on 27 May 2021 a mass grave has been located at the site of the school that contains the bodies of 215 children whose deaths went undocumented. The school operated from 1890 through 1978 as a place to force youth from indigenous tribes into giving up their language and culture.  EPA/NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


Redazione ANSA

06 June 2021

Il Papa segue “con dolore le notizie che giungono dal Canada circa la sconvolgente scoperta dei resti di 215 bambini alunni della Kamloops Indian Residential School, nella provincia della Columbia Britannica”, e si unisce “ai vescovi canadesi e a tutta la Chiesa cattolica in Canada” esprimendo “vicinanza al popolo canadese, traumatizzato dalla scioccante notizia”. “La triste scoperta accresce la consapevolezza dei dolori e sofferenze del passato.

Le autorità politiche e religiose continuino a collaborare con determinazione per far luce su quella triste vicenda e impegnarsi umilmente in un cammino di riconciliazione e guarigione”. “Questi momenti difficili – ha detto papa Francesco dopo la recita dell’Angelus in Piazza San Pietro – rappresentano un forte richiamo per tutti noi, per allontanarci dal modello colonizzatore, e anche dalle colonizzazioni ideologiche di oggi, e camminare fianco a fianco nel dialogo, nel rispetto reciproco e nel riconoscimento dei diritti e dei valori culturali di tutti i figli e le figlie del Canada”. “Affidiamo al Signore – ha aggiunto il Pontefice – le anime di tutti i bambini deceduti nelle scuole residenziali del Canada e preghiamo per le famiglie e le comunità autoctone canadesi, affrante dal dolore”. “Preghiamo in silenzio”, ha concluso, rivolto ai fedeli.




I just wonder how it is possible that such a crime could have been perpetrated for tens and tens of years to “innocent little angels” by individuals who find their Christian mission precisely in the protection and defense of the weakest, the founding objectives of the church. Catholic and of the Christian community that lives and thrives united in teaching the word of Christ of mutual love and solidarity. It is shocking to know that 215 children are buried near a Catholic educational institution, local natives sent there to be … “re-educated and placed in a context of civilization” … stuff that gives goosebumps, whose remains are there to testify to human violence or, it could also be that it is a burial place kept deliberately hidden … Yes, a sort of secret cemetery where the bodies of dead natives were buried after a childbirth went wrong or, in case of of the corpses of children killed and buried in the vicinity of the school by those who ran the school after an intense activity of pedophilia … “shot down so as not to be discovered”? I do not even dare to think that it is scandalous … because a scandal is an adjective linked more to a malfeasance or to a shameful episode of an immoral nature but when it comes to the death, perhaps violent, of hundreds of children then the consideration of this assumes a diametrically opposite tone since we enter the sphere of terror where there are mentally deviated and very dangerous adults. Here we are not dealing with religious teachers who have lost the way of faith nor are we talking about lost sheep but about real pedophiles in perpetual action in the satanic work of sexual violence against children … unimaginable rape and maybe .. yes I think so … even human sacrifices as a sign of devotion to Satan. It is hallucinating … and incredible … 215 “innocent souls” are just so many and it cannot be confused as a fortuitous event or a malaise of the moment … no, no, this seems a real “system of sexual abuse “That who knows how many shady individuals involved until 1978. It would also be nice to understand why the competent police authorities have never received news from the school management of dead or missing children, nor have they ever thoroughly investigated the reduction in the number of children in over a hundred years? And why have the Catholic school management or the teachers themselves never reported the disappearance or death of one of them in over a hundred years? Perhaps they were aware of their death and burial in the school compound space and fell silent? And then I wonder, how is it possible that so many children disappear into the void and no traces of them remain on the school records? And the parents of the natives who no longer see and their children will surely have turned to the Canadian authorities for information on the fate of their children and why they have not been given any answers and there are no traces and documents related to this question? I wouldn’t want to think badly but in this story I see and feel the stench of cover-up by some filthy police officer for 100 years … because 215 children cannot disappear like this into the void over time without leaving traces and in fact my suspicion I consider it broken since they have found a huge amount of small corpses unbeknownst to everyone and in the Canadian silence everything. The Pope did very well and this time, and with courage I add, he invited the Canadian authorities to go all the way to discover the truth and find the culprits. The Catholic world and Canada all need to know the truth about a crime that is no less than the worst of the last century.

06062021 … by … https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/ https://vk.com/id529229155

Shock discovered in Canada. Remains of 215 native children from the school of horrors

Pope: ‘Shedding light on shocking Canadian school discovery’

Mass grave near the Catholic institute where they were “re-educated”. Even at 3 years old

‘I express closeness. Political and religious authorities collaborate ‘

epa09236282 A handout photo made available by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba reportedly shows children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, in 1931 (issued on 29 May 2021). According to a statement issued by Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Tk'emlups te Secwépemc First Nation on 27 May 2021 a mass grave has been located at the site of the school that contains the bodies of 215 children whose deaths went undocumented. The school operated from 1890 through 1978 as a place to force youth from indigenous tribes into giving up their language and culture.  EPA/NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


ANSA editorial staff

06 June 2021

The Pope follows “with sorrow the news coming from Canada about the shocking discovery of the remains of 215 child pupils of the Kamloops Indian Residential School, in the province of British Columbia”, and joins “the Canadian bishops and the entire Catholic Church in Canada” expressing “closeness to the Canadian people, traumatized by the shocking news”. “The sad discovery raises awareness of the pains and sufferings of the past.

feel a strong call for all of us, to move away from the colonizing model, and also from the ideological colonizations of today, and walk side by side in dialogue, in mutual respect and in the recognition of the rights and cultural values of all the sons and daughters of the Canada “.” Let us entrust to the Lord – added the Pontiff – the souls of all deceased children in residential schools in Canada and we pray for Canadian families and indigenous communities, stricken with pain “.” Let us pray in silence “, he concluded, addressed to the faithful.May the political and religious authorities continue to collaborate with determination to shed light on that sad story and humbly commit themselves to a path of reconciliation and healing “.” These difficult moments – Pope Francis said after the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square – represents




Je me demande juste comment il est possible qu’un tel crime ait pu être perpétré pendant des dizaines et des dizaines d’années à des “petits anges innocents” par des individus qui trouvent leur mission chrétienne justement dans la protection et la défense des plus faibles, objectifs fondateurs de l’église catholique et de la communauté chrétienne qui vit et s’épanouit unis dans l’enseignement de la parole du Christ d’amour mutuel et de solidarité. Il est choquant de savoir que 215 enfants sont enterrés près d’un établissement d’enseignement catholique, des indigènes locaux envoyés là-bas pour être… “rééduqués et placés dans un contexte de civilisation”… des trucs qui donnent la chair de poule, dont les restes sont là pour témoignent de violences humaines ou, il se pourrait aussi qu’il s’agisse d’un lieu de sépulture gardé délibérément caché… Oui, une sorte de cimetière secret où les corps des indigènes morts étaient enterrés après qu’un accouchement se soit mal passé ou, en cas de cadavres d’enfants tués et enterrés à proximité de l’école par ceux qui dirigeaient l’école après une intense activité de pédophilie… « abattus pour ne pas être découverts » ? Je n’ose même pas penser que c’est scandaleux… car un scandale est un adjectif lié plus à une malversation ou à un épisode honteux de nature immorale mais lorsqu’il s’agit de la mort, peut-être violente, de centaines d’enfants alors la considération de ceci prend un ton diamétralement opposé puisque nous entrons dans la sphère de la terreur où il y a des adultes mentalement déviés et très dangereux. Ici on n’a pas affaire à des maîtres religieux qui ont perdu le chemin de la foi ni à des brebis perdues mais à de vrais pédophiles en perpétuelle action dans le travail satanique de violences sexuelles contre les enfants… des viols inimaginables et peut-être.. oui je pense donc … même des sacrifices humains en signe de dévotion à Satan. C’est hallucinant… et incroyable… 215 « âmes innocentes » sont tellement nombreuses et cela ne peut être confondu avec un événement fortuit ou un malaise du moment… non, non, cela semble un véritable « système de abus « Qui sait combien d’individus louches ont été impliqués jusqu’en 1978. Il serait également agréable de comprendre pourquoi les autorités policières compétentes n’ont jamais reçu de nouvelles de la direction de l’école concernant les enfants morts ou disparus, ni n’ont-elles jamais enquêté de manière approfondie sur la réduction du nombre des enfants en plus de cent ans ? Et pourquoi la direction de l’école catholique ou les enseignants eux-mêmes n’ont-ils jamais signalé la disparition ou la mort de l’un d’entre eux depuis plus de cent ans ? Peut-être étaient-ils au courant de leur mort et de leur enterrement dans l’enceinte de l’école et se sont-ils tus ? Et puis je me demande, comment est-il possible que tant d’enfants disparaissent dans le vide et qu’il n’en reste aucune trace sur les registres scolaires ? Et les parents des autochtones qui ne voient plus et leurs enfants se seront sûrement tournés vers les autorités canadiennes pour obtenir des informations sur le sort de leurs enfants et pourquoi ils n’ont reçu aucune réponse et qu’il n’y a pas de traces et de documents liés à cette question ? Je ne veux pas penser mal mais dans cette histoire je vois et ressens la puanteur de la dissimulation par quelque sale policier pendant 100 ans… parce que 215 enfants ne peuvent pas disparaître comme ça dans le vide au fil du temps sans laisser de traces et en fait , la méfiance que je considère comme brisée puisqu’ils ont trouvé une énorme quantité de petits cadavres à l’insu de tous et de tout dans le silence canadien. Le Pape a très bien fait et cette fois, et avec courage j’ajoute, il a invité les autorités canadiennes à aller jusqu’au bout pour découvrir la vérité et trouver les coupables. Le monde catholique et le Canada ont tous besoin de connaître la vérité sur un crime qui n’est pas moins que le pire du siècle dernier.

06062021 … par … https://manliominicucci.myblog.it/ https://vk.com/id529229155

Choc découvert au Canada. Restes de 215 enfants autochtones de l’école des horreurs

Pape : « Faire la lumière sur la découverte choquante d’une école canadienne »

Fossé commun près de l’institut catholique où ils ont été “rééduqués”. Même à 3 ans

« J’exprime la proximité. Les autorités politiques et religieuses collaborent ‘

epa09236282 A handout photo made available by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba reportedly shows children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, in 1931 (issued on 29 May 2021). According to a statement issued by Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Tk'emlups te Secwépemc First Nation on 27 May 2021 a mass grave has been located at the site of the school that contains the bodies of 215 children whose deaths went undocumented. The school operated from 1890 through 1978 as a place to force youth from indigenous tribes into giving up their language and culture.  EPA/NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


La rédaction de l’ANSA

06 juin 2021

Le pape suit « avec douleur les nouvelles en provenance du Canada concernant la découverte choquante des restes de 215 élèves du pensionnat indien de Kamloops, dans la province de la Colombie-Britannique », et se joint « aux évêques canadiens et à toute l’Église catholique au Canada » exprimant « sa proximité avec le peuple canadien, traumatisé par la nouvelle choquante ». “La triste découverte fait prendre conscience des douleurs et des souffrances du passé.

Puissent les autorités politiques et religieuses continuer à collaborer avec détermination pour faire la lumière sur cette triste histoire et s’engager humblement sur un chemin de réconciliation et de guérison “.” Ces moments difficiles – a déclaré le Pape François après l’Angélus place Saint-Pierre – représentent sentir un appel fort pour nous tous, à s’éloigner du modèle colonisateur, et aussi des colonisations idéologiques d’aujourd’hui, et marcher côte à côte dans le dialogue, dans le respect mutuel et dans la reconnaissance des droits et des valeurs culturelles de tous les fils et filles du Canada “.” Confions au Seigneur – a ajouté le Pontife – les âmes de tous les enfants décédés dans les pensionnats au Canada et nous prions pour les familles canadiennes et les communautés autochtones, frappées de douleur “. prions en silence”, a-t-il conclu, adressé aux fidèles.


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