epa09209182 A handout picture made available by Moncloa's Presidential Palace shows Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez (L), upon arrival to Ceuta, Spanish enclave on the north of Africa, 18 May 2021. On the night of 18 May, a total of 5,000 Moroccan nationals entered into the Spanish city of Ceuta, loacted in the North African coast, by sea side and hundreds of migrants continue to attempt doing so. The Spanish authorities have deployed the army to patrol on the border separating Ceuta in the Spanish side from the Moroccan side, in a bid to control this latest surge of entry attempts.  EPA/FERNANDO CALVO / MONCLOA HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


Eh già, è proprio così, purtroppo in Europa non ci si rende ancora conto della drammatica situazione immigratoria e sul come doverla affrontare, né hanno coscienza dei reali problemi connessi all’arrivo di tanta gente, persone che ovviamente in teoria intendono trovare un lavoro ed una casa e che nella pratica difficilmente troveranno, né prevedono i pericoli che l’accoglienza indiscriminata stessa può rappresentare in termini numerici se non ben gestiti. In Italia dall’inizio dell’anno ne sono arrivati oltre 13mila e in Spagna, in appena due giorni quasi 11mila, sono numeri importanti che devono preoccupare ed allarmare tutti gli stati europei perché questa è gente che vuol andare a trovar fortuna in paesi come la Francia, Germania e nei paesi nordici e non hanno nessuna intenzione di rimanere in Spagna né in Italia… ma il problema vero è che i loro desideri non possono materializzarsi perché nei fatti detti paesi non li vogliono i migranti, da dovunque provengano, e non hanno nessuna volontà di accoglierli. L’Irlanda, l’unico paese di area Schengen,  ha dato la sua  disponibilità  per accoglierne solo 10 di  immigrati a fronte di oltre 20mila arrivi . Francamente vien da ridere… non si può iniziare a parlare neanche di soluzione del problema. Oggi, nuovamente e per l’ennesima volta, l’Europa è di fronte ad un paradosso epocale, accogliere senza limiti tutti gli africani ed arabi ed asiatici desiderosi di venir a vivere nell’occidente europeo oppure dovrà usare metodi poco ortodossi e rispedirli indietro nel loro paese d’origine una volta che giunti in Europa venga accertato il mancato diritto d’asilo che non consentirebbe loro di restarci.  Tutto questo caos lo si è creato perché si continua a nascondersi  la fatidica domanda che pongo io da ben 10 anni e cioè :  “ma perché non dovrebbero tentare di arrivare da noi” ?  Questa è la domanda chiave per capire il fenomeno immigratorio e non lo si vuol assolutamente comprendere che a questa domanda bisogna dare una risposta. Tanti di loro sono ragazzi e uomini poveri e offuscati dalla ricchezza europea e cercano, ovviamente, di arrivarci a prendersela in tutti i modi e a volte anche con sistemi illegali. Poi c’è gente che viene in Europa per altri ignoti motivi ma che comunque rappresentano un enigma sulle loro reali intenzioni e questo è un altro aspetto da tenere nella giusta considerazione. Quel che dispiace veramente è vedere il fallimento totale delle politiche sociali ed economiche dei paesi nord e centro africani ed asiatici… che vedono partire il meglio della loro gioventù e il futuro lasciato in mano ai vecchi… paesi che nonostante i tanti aiuti proprio non ci riescono proprio ad emergere ma  che comunque spendono ogni anno decine  di miliardi per gli armamenti. 18052021 …by…


Madrid, 8.000 migranti arrivati a Ceuta da ieri

E 4.000 sono stati rimpatriati in Marocco

epa09209182 A handout picture made available by Moncloa's Presidential Palace shows Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez (L), upon arrival to Ceuta, Spanish enclave on the north of Africa, 18 May 2021. On the night of 18 May, a total of 5,000 Moroccan nationals entered into the Spanish city of Ceuta, loacted in the North African coast, by sea side and hundreds of migrants continue to attempt doing so. The Spanish authorities have deployed the army to patrol on the border separating Ceuta in the Spanish side from the Moroccan side, in a bid to control this latest surge of entry attempts.  EPA/FERNANDO CALVO / MONCLOA HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


18 maggio 202118:56NEWS

(ANSA) – MADRID, 18 MAG – Ottomila migranti sono arrivati a Ceuta da ieri, e circa la metà sono stati rimpatriati in Marocco. Lo ha reso noto il governo spagnolo.





BUT WHY SHOULD THEY NOT TRY? Yes, that’s right, unfortunately in Europe we still don’t realize the dramatic immigration situation and how to deal with it, nor are they aware of the real problems associated with the arrival of so many people, people who obviously in theory intend to find a job and a home and that in practice they will hardly find, nor foresee the dangers that indiscriminate hospitality itself can represent in numerical terms if not well managed. Over 13 thousand have arrived in Italy since the beginning of the year and in Spain, in just two days, almost 11 thousand, are important numbers that must worry and alarm all European states because these are people who want to go and find fortune in countries like France, Germany and the Nordic countries and have no intention of staying in Spain or Italy … but the real problem is that their desires cannot materialize because in fact those countries do not want migrants, wherever they come from, and they have no will to welcome them. Ireland, the only country in the Schengen area, has given its willingness to welcome only 10 immigrants against over 20,000 arrivals. Frankly, it’s funny … you can’t even start talking about a solution to the problem. Today, again and for the umpteenth time, Europe is faced with an epochal paradox, to welcome without limits all Africans and Arabs and Asians wishing to come and live in Western Europe or will have to use unorthodox methods and send them back to the their country of origin once they arrive in Europe, the lack of asylum rights is ascertained, which would not allow them to stay there. All this chaos has been created because the fateful question that I have been asking for 10 years continues to hide and that is: “but why shouldn’t they try to get to us”? This is the key question to understand the immigration phenomenon and we absolutely do not want to understand that this question must be answered. Many of them are boys and men who are poor and overshadowed by European wealth and, of course, they try to get there to take it out in all ways and sometimes even with illegal systems. Then there are people who come to Europe for other unknown reasons but who still represent an enigma about their real intentions and this is another aspect to take into due consideration. What is really sorry is to see the total failure of the social and economic policies of the North and Central African and Asian countries … which see the best of their youth leave and the future left in the hands of the old … countries that despite the many aid they just don’t manage to emerge, but they still spend tens of billions every year on armaments. 18052021 … by …


epa09209182 A handout picture made available by Moncloa's Presidential Palace shows Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez (L), upon arrival to Ceuta, Spanish enclave on the north of Africa, 18 May 2021. On the night of 18 May, a total of 5,000 Moroccan nationals entered into the Spanish city of Ceuta, loacted in the North African coast, by sea side and hundreds of migrants continue to attempt doing so. The Spanish authorities have deployed the army to patrol on the border separating Ceuta in the Spanish side from the Moroccan side, in a bid to control this latest surge of entry attempts.  EPA/FERNANDO CALVO / MONCLOA HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


Madrid, 8,000 migrants arrived in Ceuta since yesterday And 4,000 were repatriated to Morocco – ANSAMADRID editorial staff May 18, 202118: 56NEWS (ANSA) – MADRID, MAY 18 – Eight thousand migrants have arrived in Ceuta since yesterday, and about half have been repatriated to Morocco. This was announced by the Spanish government.







Oui, c’est vrai, malheureusement, en Europe, nous ne réalisons toujours pas la situation dramatique de l’immigration et comment y faire face, et ils ne sont pas non plus conscients des vrais problèmes liés à l’arrivée de tant de personnes, des personnes qui, évidemment, en théorie, ont l’intention de trouver un travail et un foyer et qu’en pratique ils ne trouveront guère, ni ne prévoiront les dangers que l’hospitalité aveugle elle-même peut représenter en termes numériques si elle n’est pas bien gérée. Plus de 13 mille sont arrivés en Italie depuis le début de l’année et en Espagne, près de 11 mille en seulement deux jours, sont des nombres importants qui doivent inquiéter et alarmer tous les États européens car ce sont des gens qui veulent aller chercher fortune dans des pays comme La France, l’Allemagne et les pays nordiques et n’ont pas l’intention de rester en Espagne ou en Italie … mais le vrai problème est que leurs désirs ne peuvent se concrétiser car en fait ces pays ne veulent pas de migrants, d’où qu’ils viennent, et ils n’ont pas de volonté pour les accueillir. L’Irlande, seul pays de l’espace Schengen, a donné sa volonté d’accueillir seulement 10 immigrés contre plus de 20 000 arrivées. Franchement, c’est drôle … vous ne pouvez même pas commencer à parler d’une solution au problème. Aujourd’hui encore et pour la énième fois, l’Europe est confrontée à un paradoxe d’époque, celui d’accueillir sans limites tous les Africains et Arabes et Asiatiques souhaitant venir vivre en Europe de l’Ouest ou devront utiliser des méthodes peu orthodoxes et les renvoyer dans leur pays. d’origine une fois arrivés en Europe, l’absence de droit d’asile est constatée, ce qui ne leur permettrait pas d’y rester. Tout ce chaos a été créé parce que la question fatidique que je me pose depuis 10 ans continue de se cacher, à savoir: «mais pourquoi n’essaieraient-ils pas de nous atteindre»? C’est la question clé pour comprendre le phénomène de l’immigration et nous ne voulons absolument pas comprendre qu’il faut répondre à cette question. Beaucoup d’entre eux sont des garçons et des hommes pauvres et éclipsés par la richesse européenne et, bien sûr, ils essaient d’y arriver pour s’en débarrasser de toutes les manières et parfois même avec des systèmes illégaux. Ensuite, il y a des gens qui viennent en Europe pour d’autres raisons inconnues mais qui représentent encore une énigme sur leurs véritables intentions et c’est un autre aspect à prendre en considération. Ce qui est vraiment désolé, c’est de voir l’échec total des politiques sociales et économiques des pays d’Afrique du Nord, d’Afrique centrale et d’Asie … qui voient le meilleur de leur jeunesse partir et l’avenir laissé entre les mains des anciens … pays que malgré les nombreuses aides, ils n’arrivent tout simplement pas à émerger, mais ils dépensent encore des dizaines de milliards chaque année en armements. 18052021 … par …


epa09209182 A handout picture made available by Moncloa's Presidential Palace shows Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez (L), upon arrival to Ceuta, Spanish enclave on the north of Africa, 18 May 2021. On the night of 18 May, a total of 5,000 Moroccan nationals entered into the Spanish city of Ceuta, loacted in the North African coast, by sea side and hundreds of migrants continue to attempt doing so. The Spanish authorities have deployed the army to patrol on the border separating Ceuta in the Spanish side from the Moroccan side, in a bid to control this latest surge of entry attempts.  EPA/FERNANDO CALVO / MONCLOA HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Madrid, 8000 migrants sont arrivés à Ceuta depuis hier Et 4.000 ont été rapatriés au Maroc – Rédaction ANSAMADRID 18 mai 202118: 56 ACTUALITÉS (ANSA) – MADRID, 18 MAI – Huit mille migrants sont arrivés à Ceuta depuis hier, et environ la moitié ont été rapatriés au Maroc. Cela a été annoncé par le gouvernement espa

MA PERCHE’ NON DOVREBBERO TENTARE ?ultima modifica: 2021-05-19T18:36:36+02:00da manlio22ldc
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